R | 01 December 2003 (USA)
Unspeakable Trailers

Despite vocal objections from Warden Blakely, prison psychologist Diana Purlow journeys deep inside the mind of serial killer Jesse Mowat in a desperate attempt to reveal the source of his psychotic tendencies.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Unspeakable revels in its southern fried trashiness, pulling forth a lurid and grotesque pseudo mindfuck serial killer story that I don't recall making a whole lot of sense, yet is still barrels of fun to behold the seasoned cast play out. The film's writer, Pavan Grover, also stars as Jesse Mowatt, a mysterious serial killer with ties to the occult who frames an innocent Mexican migrant (Marco Rodriguez) in several horrific murders. When a scientist (Dina Meyer) uses an experimental mind mapping and truth seeking method on the wrongfully accused man, she is led to Mowatt via some dodgy telepathy. To be sure that Mowatt is guilty, she tries the same method on him and comes across readings that suggest he may be not only inhuman, but altogether unspeakably evil. The gung ho, sadistic prison warden Earl Blakely (a hopped up Dennis Hopper) is ready to pull the switch, but Meyer wants more time to examine Mowatt. Her colleague and mentor Jack Pitchford (Lance Henriksen) advises her against it, sensing the evil. She appeals to the state Governor (a brief Jeff Fahey) who happens to be her former lover, but he is unyielding. Her curiosity towards Mowatt puts her in grave supernatural danger, as Mowatt leers from the shadows of his cell and causes all sorts of unexplainable havoc. It's a B movie thrill ride through and through, the plot barely registering to the viewer beyond the shock value tactics it employs, mainly giving Grover and Hopper scenery to voraciously gnaw on. In fact, Hopper is so rabid in one particular sequence it makes the viewer question whether the director just told him to 'go full retard'. I enjoyed it for the actors, all of which I greatly admire. It's schlock, of the marginally nonsensical variety. As long as you go in with that pre-notion, you can't blame me for the recommendation. At least the startling instances of gore are guaranteed a spike in our pulses.
RocketB52 Oh, c'mon, everybody, where is the love? First of all, when you slide some title off the shelf that never made it to theatrical release with a cover that features Dennis Hopper staring out at you in all his squinty-eyed, slightly soulful I-Am-a-Raving-Lunatic intensity. . .brace yourself for the possibility that you may be making a terrible mistake.Since the plot and writing credits have been hashed out already, I wont go into them, except to say I haven't seen so many people frothing at the mouth over a movie since they announced Michael Keaton was playing BATMAN way back in 1989.Sure very little of it made any sense, but was it fun watching Dennis Hopper rip his own face off? Sure! There was a pretty woman for the men to look at, a hunky guy for the ladies to look at, a decent cast, sadistic prison guards, a crazed warden, bogus science, a corrupt politician, a real electric chair, an autopsy, brain maggots, falling brains. . .my gosh. Fun galore on an evening when you've got nothing better to do. Are these my standards for great movies? No, but I didn't rent this title to see a great movie, or even a good movie. But my idea of a totally irredeemable piece of crap is NAIL GUN MASSACRE. So I'll save my venom. Couple of stars for the rating, at least.
thedarlon Hollywood today is sort of the democratic party's propaganda machine. While the business world finally realized that serving & pleasing the customer is the idea, the American media still obsesses with messaging us to death, reasoning, where else can we go for visual content?Thus comes this, trying to feature all the right bases. In fact,we're lucky it was made before gays took over; most films now have to have at least one gay scene, no matter how stupid. Anyway, you can feel this trying to be a movie. The sexual excitement as the two psychos (on either side of the cell bars) turn each other on with their intense chitchat and his endeavoring to touch her. And his evil strength, tossing guards everywhere, gives us good menace to fear. Then it fails. Real guards would chain his legs after getting beat up several times. These just keep getting beat. And after the killer shows great mental powers by killing all the men in his path and escaping, he realizes the movie is going to end so he lets the girl shoot him so we don't get the would-be-delicious con-mentally-overpowers-stupid-but-gorgeous-scientist-and screws her as she gasps don't, while stripping.Add in the innocent (of course) executed con. Vicous warden. Crying mom makes a brief appearance. It's kinda fun that these people seemingly wander in and out during the executions, where real ones take all the fun out and restrict 'em to death (so to speak). The movie throws in a few more cardboard cutouts; the gov, his advisers, a judge the evil guy mentally forces to kill himself. All these get a little screen time, then off for the next CC's. The psycho girl finds her aborted baby's grave, I guess. Why? I dunno. Why not? She already somehow is the only one who knows how to build a mind past-and-future memory film making gizmo that nobody except her seems interested in. How would a psycho know how to build one, anyway? Most psychs become one because there's nothing easier in college. Oh well, throw it in. Is it soup yet?
amberbaer After searching the video store for 10 minutes - I settled onto this little gem of Hollywood barf.There is no redeeming value to this movie at all - the scenes with the worm coming out of his ear and the one found in dead Dennis Hopper's brain are not even worth the paper that they were written on.As for using the electric chair in a room full of guards who blindly watch the "warden" go insane, rip his face off, and be autopsied in a matter of hours is so unrealistically stupid that I find myself wanting the actors in this movie to be lined up together and pimp smacked for agreeing to appear in such a piece of drivel~! Writer, Producer, and Star of the movie...what can I say...he has the bad boy looks that Hollywood likes, but he better keep his day job as a doctor in order to have something to fall back on....because there is no way he should ever be allowed to write anything again! And if he does want to write something...collaborate with me, I've had better nightmares after eating Mexican!
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