| 23 September 2009 (USA)
Undertow Trailers

A married fisherman struggles to reconcile his devotion to his male lover within his town's rigid traditions.

Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
seronjaa-797-313124 This movie left me speechless and deeply moved. Everything in this movie seems just perfect- from the scenery, the colours in each shot, the actors... and it seems like Spanish never sounded that beautiful. I think this movie is a piece of art and I would just hang it somewhere in a museum :) That's how beautiful it is. I watched a lot of gay movies and this one is besides "Brokeback Mountain" and "Shelter" one of my favourites. But gay or not gay, I wish there would be more beautiful movies like this one. Simple story, few characters and beautiful scenes.
sergepesic " Undertow", gut-wrenching and quietly powerful Peruvian movie, brings back the faith in the power of story telling. This forgotten art seems to have passed by most of our contemporary film-makers. Luckily it didn't Javier Funtes-Leon. Small fishing village seemingly locked in time capsule. Grueling work, old-time believes, church on Sundays and communal meal after. Everybody knows everybody, or do they? Small towns, like little tribes, include all members of its community.Up to a point. As long as you play by their traditional rules, you'll be fine. But, just try to step out of the rhythm of the tribal tune, and they turn on you. Of course, this is a movie about a repression of gay people and the horrors they have to endure just because they are different. But, it is so much more. The indictment of empty traditions, false morals and greatest possible cheer for personal courage. This is the life we have, these are the cards we are dealt and play we must.With our head up high and damn the consequences, or hiding and trying to please all but yourself. Doesn't seems such a hard choice to me, or is it?
briangnosis-537-38631 I seldom watch non English language films as I have dyslexia and subtitles can be challenging. This film was so well constructed and acted that the subtleties of the human condition were expressed without the need for understanding every word. It makes one question so much about convention, preconceptions and identity. The film contains some beautiful cinematic shots as well as unobtrusive music. There is a visual and situational realism that draws one in.The concept of ritual to deal not only with the needs for closure by the living but also the passage of a soul into rest was well handled . Also well handled are the concept of love and fear of loss and potential selfish reactions as well as the ability of the human to rise above such thoughts and feelings to the benefits of others, even at a cost to oneself.The story was interesting and unusual. Should be watched by all thinking people.
evening1 I liked this movie about what it could be like to be gay in a small Peruvian seaside village -- painfully difficult.Amid strongly homophobic attitudes, Miguel is having a clandestine affair with an artist named Santiago. The two genuinely seem to care about each other. The only problem is that Miguel is married and his wife is about to give birth. Though Miguel's situation will leave many unsympathetic, I was fully drawn in and engaged. I found nearly all the characters highly believable and likable and I cared about their perspectives.This compelling tale takes place in a gorgeous environment.I like that the story ends less happily than honestly.Seeing this was a deep and satisfying experience.