Truth or Consequences, N.M.
Truth or Consequences, N.M.
R | 02 May 1997 (USA)
Truth or Consequences, N.M. Trailers

Raymond Lembecke is a con just out of prison after serving time for selling drugs for his mob boss Tony Vago. (Lembecke was innocent and took the rap for Vago.) Lembecke thinks Vago owes him big time so, when his former boss gets him a measly job in a warehouse, he decides on revenge and plans to steal a million dollars worth of drugs from him.

Lawbolisted Powerful
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Kendra_Powers This is the kind of movie that you stumble upon, on basic cable, at 3am, when nothing but infomercials are on: entertaining enough to keep watching, though very predictable, clichés up the wazoo, the plot has been done to death, in better movies, and the acting is mostly flat (save for Keifer Sutherland). The excessive violence and gore were a nice touch (I'm a big Tarantino fan, so that explains that), but ultimately, nothing can earn this movie even 5 stars out of 10, because its just written badly and poorly executed, so I'm going with 4 stars, because I didn't absolutely hate it and Vincent Gallo was hot and in his prime, in this movie. A MUCH better drug movie is Drugstore Cowboy (1989).
myers_mandy_l How can you name a movie after a place, but never film there. I have lived in Truth or Consquences and take offense to this. It may not have been the best place in the world to live, but you have to take pride in what ever you can. Truth of Consquences didn't have to have a movie named after it to be famous. It was originally called Hot Spring, NM, but changed it's name to match a game show called Truth or Consequences. Don't get me wrong I liked the movie and I love Kiefer Sutherlands work, I just think that he should have at least filmed somewhere in New Mexico. I did not recognize the New Mexico location(having been 5 miles south of Truth or Consequences on highway 285), so I had to check the credits.
George Parker "Truth or Consequences N.M." is a sloppy drama about a petty crook and his girl, a half-psycho killer, an undercover DEA agent, and an abducted ordinary couple traveling together with a bunch of drugs and cops and the mob on their tail. In spite of a good cast, this B-movie is just more of the same old stuff we've all seen many times before with nothing to distinguish itself. Full of plot holes, continuity goofs, abjectly ordinary action, etc. this is one for the late night couch potato only. (C)
bob the moo Another heist-gone-wrong movie. It's been done before - criminals are cool etc. However this is still pretty good and thrilling all the way through. It is rarely slow or dull. All the actors are good with Gallo really bringing his character to life and making you feel for him. Sutherland does a good job of directing and even plays the crazy killer well.The film evens tackles the issue of us viewing these people as cool - not something many do - and challenges us on our admiration of them (even if it is on a basic level).Yes, you seen it before - but that doesn't mean it's totally unoriginal or not entertaining to watch.
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