The Point Men
The Point Men
| 07 September 2001 (USA)
The Point Men Trailers

Some time after their botched operation to capture a known Palestinian terrorist, a team of Israeli agents starts to get killed off one by one. Their leader must get to the bottom of things before the killer(s) plan is complete.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
jhoeboer-1 After watching it yesterday I basically have a mixed feeling about this film. The piece has a strong start with a chase and some action which looks gritty and not all "over the top" like in most action films, so that's a good thing. There are moments when the action displayed in this film, like shootouts and car chases, looks surprisingly realistic.However the film is plagued by too many plot holes and moments where the viewer is treated like a brainless observer. Just some examples:*Possible spoilers*1. After the guy who went back to the USA to study gets shot in a store by the main baddie they bury him back in Israel. Directly after the funeral Christopher Lambert and the blonde woman talk in the car about how excited they are that she acquired a job at an embassy in Greece.Their best friend just died horribly, they buried him and seconds later it's all "lets be happy together again and oh did I already tell you I have a new job"? No normal person would respond in this manner.2. When the main bad guy goes to Israel to pick up the hardware, that he needs for the final hit, at an old man's workshop he gets attacked by some Palestine kids. Seconds after they start throwing stones 3 Israeli soldiers race around the corner, down the street and "liberate" him.3. The old military guy in charge of the whole operation is your stereotypical hard ass who doesn't use his common sense. "Oh sure we just lost 3 members of a top secret strike force in a row but he they are probably all accidents anyway so no reason to be alarmed".------------------ Basically the film has too many of such plot holes and moments where the viewer is asked to suspend disbelief. It's also heavily focused on the Israeli point of view, with little room for a more balanced point of view where both sides of the political spectrum are brought into view.
andyspal56 Just finished watching this movie yesterday afternoon and was impressed enough with it to look for reviews on Google. This action movie definitely did not treat one side as all good, the other as all bad. It did, however deal with good and bad people on both sides. I also enjoyed the love story in this movie, not hokey as in so many movies, and could have realistically taken place; not something just thrown in. I would say that this was more of a thinking person's action film! When a certain's assassin's motives were revealed, even he was more understandable. Also, two foes came to somewhat soften their hatred towards one another. Watched the Blade series this weekend and thought it was very good; much better than the Matrix movies. What's one man's junk, is another man's treasure!
Robert J. Maxwell SPOILERS. This is an action/spy drama that strictly middle of the road. The acting isn't too bad, nor is it too good. The direction is efficient, but no more than that. The script is imaginative but not too much so. You get the picture.Lambert is an intense actor, what with his crossed eyes and desperate features. It's difficult to believe him when he projects happiness with his family of Israeli operatives or, later, with his wife and child. The group seems finally to have dispatched their chief opposite number who will stop at nothing to demolish the Peace Process in the Middle East. He has, however, engineered a tricky escape and begins one by one to pick off the Israelis. Lambert is convinced that it is actually he, the chief baddy, but no one else wants to believe him and he operates on his own, Dirty Harry style. The baddy, by the way, is hard to miss, sort of beefy and evil looking until after his plastic surgery. (And he still looks suspicious to me!) The car of one of the Israelis is forced off the road by the baddy. I always wondered how that was possible. We've all witnessed the scene dozens of times, cars banging into one another at high speed until one goes over a cliff. And it seems to work every time. When this car takes its necessary nose dive onto the rocks at cliff bottom, of course it is not only wrecked but explodes in a fireball. (Not the only fireball in the movie.) That strikes me as a victory of the special effects people over the director and scriptwriters. Anyone who wants to see how the stunt should be believably pulled off, watch John Huston's "Mackintosh Man." And the movie leaves no doubt about who the good guys and bad guys are. It plumps on the side of the Israelis from beginning to end. Not that the chief baddy isn't given his chance, though. At the climax, Lambert holds a pistol in his face and says, "Enough is enough. We have killed the members of your family and you have killed my family. Enough killing." Does the bad guy nevertheless raise his pistol in an attempt to dispose of his worst enemy? Or does he throw his weapon down and walk away peacefully? Guess. Earlier there is even the Palestinian equivalent of the "good German" in those 1950s war movies who recognizes the futility of all this violence and cooperates with the proper authorities. Both sides kill women, but the Israelis do so only in self defense, and the woman is a complete stranger. The bad guy strangles a stunning blonde whom we've gotten to know and who definitely should not have been snuffed, and he murders her in cold blood.In sum: Nothing much new here. If it comes on late at night and you can't sleep, well -- give it a shot.
dima-12 Rare are the authors that are able to create a vivid movie about the clashes of Israeli hitmen and Arab terrorists. 007 - veteran John Glen joined the legion of these greats with his latest feature THE POINT MEN. "Ripley Highsmith"`s script (based on Steve Hartov`s novel THE HEAT OF RAMADAN) served as an exceptional reason for the reunion of the reliable B - cast that doesn`t even warm the bench in the mainstream cinema these days. Action fans eventually got an opportunity to enjoy a pretty smart conception of heartwarming cliches from the , allegedly dead, MOSSAD - genre that was revived by an intelligent script, above average budget and Glen`s crafty direction of gunfights and car chases where bullets really hit the flesh and real cars get smashed up. No comment belongs out of this statement. There`s just home cinema for all those action buffs who craved for a good flip of an expensive Mercedes ever since McTiernan`s DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE.