Touch of Pink
Touch of Pink
R | 16 July 2004 (USA)
Touch of Pink Trailers

Alim is a gay man living in London to escape the domineering eye of his conservative Muslim mother, Nuru, back in Canada. Alim keeps his homosexuality secret from his mother, so when she comes for a surprise visit, he and his boyfriend, Giles, must put on a straight facade to hide the truth.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
donwc1996 This is a very sweet, very touching film. The characters are so well drawn that you are instantly brought into the situation which many of us have found ourselves in. The lead character grates a bit but his buddy more than makes up for him and then some. The lead character's mother, however, practically steals every scene she's in because she is so beautiful and so warm even though she drives her son crazy as Mother's usually do. Let's face it, they just can't help it. They mean well, of course, but they still drive their sons crazy and this Mother definitely drove her boy nuts. The lead's buddy, however, wins Mother over and their scenes together are the most touching in the film. In fact, it was just those scenes that juggled my brain and reminded me I had seen the film some years ago but had forgotten it.
adam-alexander What a charming, insightful, tender coming-of age story. The idea of Cary Grant as the invisible childhood friend who survives to adulthood is tremendously clever - but the entire convention exists, I think, for Cary's final scene when Alim let's him go. To layer Alim's farewell to childhood, including forgiving his mother's abandonment of him, and his acceptance of the harsher truths of adulthood-including Giles' infidelity- with Cary's inability to live as a open gay man is nothing short of brilliant. So subtle. So tender. Few gay films possess this kind of nuance. This is also the story of Alim's mother's coming-of-age as well. Although touched by life's darker side through the early death of her husband, the realization that London was not ready for an Indian Doris Day, and the guilt of leaving her child, she experiences, first hand, the same emotions that Alim experiences - including the desire to hide reality and lie to family members. Her release from that web, due, in large part, to the warmth and character of Giles, allows her to literally, dance again.
arizona-philm-phan *** This comment may contain spoilers ***Well, folks, here we have a 2004 'Bollywood' rip, ahem.........I mean, take off on Ang Lee's "The Wedding Banquet" (1993). And speaking of take offs, the one around which this film centers, involving a very suave and debonair one-time romantic idol, is run into the ground after awhile. Enough can be enough,, ahem........I mean, 'Kyle-y'.If Mistry is ever to become a romantic lead, but winds up kissing his female leads no better than he does his male lead here, then he'd better head back to the old 'College of Osculation'-------loosen up, Jimi (a kiss is just a kiss, a mouth is just a mouth..........the fundamental things apply.....).While there are a few cute things in this "rom-com," male lead, Mistry, is just a little too unconvincing. Fortunately, this is not true of Kristen Holden-Reid, who does a terrific job playing boyfriend, Giles. If Supporting Actor nominations were given for films like this, which of course they're not, his name should be one of the first up there.PS: While Suleka (Sue) Matthew, as Mama Nuru, is a physically lovely woman, her character certainly can be a little taxing at times. Overall, though, she's quite fun.
marymorrissey I give this movie a 2 cause Kyle MacLachan is really delicious imitating Cary Grant. Also, the conceit of his character (he extols the virtues of staying in the closet) is interesting. The rest of the film is anything but. Exasperatingly predictable with witty exchanges like He: She has a peaches and cream complexion! She: Well, I'm lactose intolerant! (The Sundance audience howled at that line, as they did through most of the movie, incidentally. Sundance audiences are THE worst!)If you want to see a vastly superior interesting and not only interesting but thoroughly enchanting movie about gay Arab issues see "ROAD TO LOVE" by Remi Lange. You won't get some tired mother in law yipping and yapping cliché in this one taking up most of the screen time! And you get far wittier exchanges in this film in a style combining "Dogma" and Cassavettes style approach starring two wonderful quick charismatic Algerian dudes.You know in "Pink" I really hated every single character in the movie, when I think back on it... basically it was cause they were made of cardboard.