Bear Cub
Bear Cub
PG-13 | 28 April 2004 (USA)
Bear Cub Trailers

Pedro, a gay man with an active social life and big circle of friends, takes in his nephew Bernardo for a couple weeks. When it appears as though it might become a permanent arrangement, however, Pedro turns to his friends for guidance as he and 9-year-old Bernardo begin to forge a household together.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
sergepesic This is a story about gay life that actually resembles the truth. In American movies gay characters behave like eunuchs, so that nothing possibly offends our puritans and prudes. While straight people hop from bed to bed, and seem to have lot of fun, gay people are meek, almost sexless creatures. Look at "Will and Grace" for example, such a silly and offensive show, but the offense is for gay people, not God forbid for our middle America. In this, sweet, little movie, gay people are vibrant, sexual beings with virtues and shortcomings, like everybody else. Little laughter, little schmaltz, and a little dose of reality- like life itself.
Jay Harris Finally we have a film with a gay theme in which the men are not flighty,thin,& downright handsome.Gay men do come in all shapes, sizes & attitudes on life & living.In this excellent comedy drama we are introduced to men, who are chubby,bearded & are not the pretty boys we usually see in a Hollywood film.Our hero is a Dentist whose sister is off to India for 2 weeks with her current beau,Her husband died a few years back. She has a 9 year son (wise beyond his years) that she leaves with her Brother.As luck would have it,she cannot come back in 2 weeks, & maybe not for years. Our hero & the lad get on together fantastically.He also gets on very well with all of the other guys & gals we meet.Complicating this tale further, is a grandmother. I will say no more as I do not like spoiling the viewers enjoyment.This movie is superbly made and acted. A real credit to the Spanish film industry. The characters & the situations are real, We all know of instances & people like those presented.Hollywood would not make a movie like this,they would be too scared to offend some persons sensibilities.I have seen more than a few films from other countries that are superior to the Hollywood movies on the same type subjects.We seem to be afraid to make movies showing real people & real situations,Enough sermonizing, See this fine film & you may agree with meRatings: **** (out of 4) 97 points (out of 100) IMDb 10 (out of 10)
NetFlix Haiku HAIKU: This movie is more / Winsome than Chicago jocks / Football or baseball FOUR PLUSES & A NEGATIVE: 1) Honest gay sex scenes. 2) Positive portrayal of being HIV+. 3) Frank discussions on the topic of gay youths/adolescents. 4) Happy ending. 5) I realize the possible contradiction in what I'm about to say… I dislike when HIV+ men continue to have casual sex in airport bathrooms, backrooms of gay bars, saunas, etc. Often it is unsafe. While I am free to not have unsafe sex, I suspect that many people have unsafe sex without much consideration for the ramifications. I wish that the movie had been more responsible in its portrayal of an HIV+ person having sex.RANDOM THOUGHTS: I know it's just a movie, but how sad is it in life when people are blinded by their good intentions (like the estranged grandmother). I wonder if people like that, whose children become involved with drugs for example, think that they, as the parent, had nothing to do with it. These are the same people who then want to impart their parenting skills and decision-making on their grand-children as if trying the same crap on the next generation will lead to different results. Again, I understand that it was just a movie, but in the end did she (or do people like that) really ever get what they want. What benefit exactly did she take with her to the grave? I enjoyed how this film developed, slowly revealing its secrets and doing so with an honesty and sincerity rarely seen in film, especially films with gay themes. Perhaps, it's just rarely seen in American cinema? Even though I am not into Bears (subunit of gay culture where the men a more fat than fit, more sloppy than stylish, etc.), it is nice to see them portrayed in non stereotypical ways… ways that make them attractive and engaging as people, versus sexual beings not to your liking. I would imagine that non gays who venture out of their comfort zone to see this movie might be surprised at the similarities between gays and straights with respect to family, friends and love. Gay sex scenes aside, I would recommend this movie to mature audiences who would like to see a tender portrayal of gay love (casual sex, casual intimacy, bond between friends, familial conflict, inter-generational bonding, and living with HIV). If you'd like to read more of my haiku, please visit my blog at:
NJMoon BEAR CUB introduces many to the concept of the non-traditional gay male: the hairy and chunky variety. It also artfully presents real-life situations for the characters. The relationship between a 'bear' uncle and his young nephew is the main focus, but the film also embraces the concept of male to male relationships (sexual and otherwise), HIV, and extended families. It manages to do all this without becoming maudlin or overly busy. The storytelling aspects of BEAR CUB are sharply honed. The performances are also quite good, especially from the central figures. There is, however, a somewhat lethargic feeling to the proceedings as well. I'm not sure if it is the unremarkable scoring and editing, but the film feels every bit it's 100 minutes. The characters are sometimes painfully earnest and the tone tips towards the self-important a bit too often. Perhaps it was reading the 'Director's Message' about the film that predisposed me toward this view. Also, the pacing of the movie feels a bit too 'even keel' - lacking a sense of momentum to carry us through to the final credits. The DVD 'extra scenes' reveal a highly comic scene at the film's core that might have pepped things up a bit. Whether it was excised for length or sexual content is not made clear. For those who think of Smokey and Yogi at the mention of 'bears' this film will be a real eye-opener. For the bear community it is at least a step (or two) forward.