Torrente 5
Torrente 5
| 03 October 2014 (USA)
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Crooked cop Torrente gets out of jail in the year 2018 to find a different Spain from the one he knew.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Marshal_Law Trash, just that . A waste of the time of everyone involved in the making of this crap, a waste of the time of everyone who's ever gonna watch it. How can i explain how bad this movie is? It's offensively bad. This movie tells to your face that you are a dumb idiot and now you gonna watch what you deserve. I can't ,you should watch it to understand what a vomit turd it is. Except you should never watch it. Never ever. Some idiot gets out of prison and then decides to make a spoof of Ocean's Eleven going across every tiresome raunchy comedy cliché and doing it wrong at that. At one point the joke i that one man finds more attractive a fat old transvestite looking woman than a pretty slim one. Another joke is that an idiot seems to go down on Alec Baldwin but no, he was just picking up a wire. This $hit for what seemed to be 3 hours , but is probably one and a half or something like that. I don't care to look for the actual run time. This movie made me angry and embarrassed at the same time. I was like ashamed to be in the movie theater.
Postal_Dude_Paradise_AZ Godawful dumbifying movie.Whatever possessed Alec Baldwin to be part of this is beyond me, watching him having to go along with the gross stupid humorless jokes was painful, kind of like De Niro making "fun" of Taxi Driver in Rocky and Bullwinkle. No joke ever work, editing looks rushed, poor choices everywhere, actors have no comedy timing , specially lead actor Segura. This is much worst than that movie. This is bad, idiotic, terrible movie making. There is nothing else to say. Avoid like Ebola.The dumb obligation to write at least 10 lines of text forces me to add this.
Lidia Martinez Torrente 5 is a very well done movie, with high quality images and production, nice VFX, nice jokes. Everything you can expect and much more from a Torrente movie.The cameos are very entertaining and funny and the old jokes are always welcome. It is a very good movie from the saga, well directed and well chosen actors.It is what you can expect, the bad taste jokes from all times and new jokes very well adapted, with a shallow criticism (sometimes we need somebody to jump over the tabu) and very entertaining. And cinema is, over all, entertainment + money. It gave what i wanted to see and much more. Segura is a great director. Torrente 5 should be the last movie, and now we wait for other stories and plots.
jose angel g Casposo (dandruffy) is used in Spain to describe poor concoctions, endeavors that lack ambition, half hearted efforts that exploit the simplest forms of entertainment. Torrente, Santiago Seguraś character returns for a 5th outing and the results are what you can expect when a franchise has been eploited for so long, specially if its core elements are bad taste humor, fecal jokes, and continuous demonstrations of bad manners. As usual, Torrente, mean spirited, shitty, bad mouthed, etc. has a grandiose plan for which he is forced to recruit the dumbest, most ridiculous and unoperative collection of crooks, embodied by an eccentric selection of real life has beens, freaky stand up comedians with no acting experience, a matador and some TV stars, with the added presence of A. Baldwin that seems to have had a good time entertaining those types, so far away from his world. The result is the one you would expect: hilarious for the addicts, so so for discriminating audiences.Santiago Segura proves again he is a pretty good director, although devoured by his creation. Ford Coppola famously said once that Star Wars had ended the career of the most talented director of its generation. Something similar can be said about Segura: He seems to be a slave of his character, obsessed with serving yet another dose of its antics, each time with less success, but even so a success so big, in Spanish terms, at least, that keeps him entangled with his creation, unable to break away to other stories I'm sure he'll do as well or even better.
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