Tonight and Every Night
Tonight and Every Night
NR | 09 January 1945 (USA)
Tonight and Every Night Trailers

An American girl falls for an RAF pilot while performing at a British music hall.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Robert J. Maxwell Rita Hayworth is alluring and I know the song writers are a famous team and all that but I didn't hear a memorable number in the score. I have to admit I only watched this piece of fluff with one eye, so I may have missed a good dance or two. Marc Platt is accomplished and, of course, Hayworth used to be Margarita Cansino, part of a Spanish dance team before she was glamorized by Harry Cohn.Rita Hayworth and Janet Blair have a colorful number in which the duo sing about the boy they left behind while prancing around in form-fitting long johns -- Blair pink, Hayworth blue.Lee Bowman provides the male glamor as an RAF officer, though he's no more convincing than usual. Some events during the blitz dampen the light-hearted ambiance.It's not worth going out of your way to watch although it's a minor divertissement.
clfandjdf When I first saw this movie I was a 13 year old boy in love with Rita Hayworth. In many ways the movie is a typical 40's musical chick flick. What is not typical is the story based on real events in London during the blitz instead of a contrived plot to frame the musical numbers. (See the recent "Mrs. Henderson Presents".) The story has bravery and tragedy as well as the usual romance and fluff. Also above average are the score by Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn as well as the talents of Rita Hayworth, Janet Blair (in a strong second banana role), and Marc Platt, the dancer who went on to be one of the brothers in "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers". Without giving away the ending, have your hankie ready.
timothymcclenaghan Do other reviewers dislike this film because it's not a musical comedy? The movie is a drama about musical performers. Didn't anyone ever hear about "drama with music"? Remember "Gilda"? That was a drama with music too, and not a musical comedy.Is it because it doesn't have a happy ending (boy meets girl and ends up together)? We get plenty of that in current films.The story concerns a second-rate English music hall in a tacky old theater. Would you expect brilliant music and fabulous singing and dancing to come from such an environment? The plot concerns characters just trying to do their jobs and entertain the people while London was being bombed to destruction.Let's face it--most movies of that era weren't expected to be great cinema, and weren't expected to last beyond a brief run in movie theaters. So this isn't a "great" movie, but it's enjoyable enough to watch. At least it's in Technicolor!
jotix100 This was the first movie where Rita Hayworth was given credit above the title. It's also the film she did before "Gilda", which would be her triumph. "Tonight and Every Night" is a product of the Hollywood of the late forties, when war themes were not that common. Directed by Victor Saville, the film has some good moments and as Neil Doyle has pointed out in these pages, if you're a fan of Ms. Hayworth, this is a must see! Not that it's one of the best things she ever did on the screen, but it's a good way to spend an evening in good company.The story is based on a theater in London that never stopped operating, even in the worst days of the blitz. It's to the credit of the woman who ran the venue, May Tolliver, that she wanted to keep some sense of sanity when Londoners were going through such a rough time.Rita Hayworth looks lovely dressed by Jean Louis. Lee Bowman plays her love interest, Paul Lindy. We also see Janet Blair, Marc Platt and Florence Bates in supporting roles. Jules Stein's music is not the kind that one keeps repeating after viewing the film.The only thing that hasn't kept well is the Technicolor. The copy we saw recently has not aged well as it shows different skin tones in Ms. Hayworth.Watch it, if only to get a glimpse at the lovely Rita Hayworth!