Time Under Fire
Time Under Fire
| 12 November 1997 (USA)
Time Under Fire Trailers

A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what's on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
entlim-47366 This is a complete turkey of a movie. Complete rip off of other movies.. footage of land chase ripped from BARB WIRE, the warehouse still has HAMMERHEAD on the front, military uniforms ripped from V, and an evil Emperor rip off from Star Wars... Completely predictable, Complete crap... Avoid ,a total waste....
stephenwillyamz-1 To paraphrase Danny Zucco, when he first saw "Greased Lighting", in the movie Grease: "What a hunk of sci-fi junk!" We've got a time-traveling submarine, powered by baking soda, that somehow time warps through the Bermuda Triangle and emerges in the year 2077--just in time for the Centenary of Elvis's death. The intrepid sub crew is immediately captured by futuristic totalitarian storm troopers and imprisioned in an abandoned rust-belt factory, which doubles as the new Imperial Headquarters of the Holocausted United States of Amerika. The storm troopers that enforce that "duh law" are all dressed in ill-fitting Fahrenheit 451 costumes and seem to bump into each other every few minutes.How did our future come to this? Well children, in the beginning of the 21st century, an incompetent United States President, with a hidden agenda, orders his military to invade and occupy Iraq--with disastrous results. Have you ever heard of anything more ridiculous that than?
m.p. Drab, dreary and a total waste of my time. The plot is incomprehensible (so don't think about it too much). The acting is odd and wooden - I would have sworn that they were all professional body builders trying their luck at acting, but that might be an insult to body builders. There are no interesting special effects to redeem this disaster, but lots of fires, explosions, a gratuitous sex scene, etc. The only thing that caught my attention was that it takes place after a war between the US and Iraq that somehow goes nuclear...hmmm. Is Roger Corman psychic? Let's hope that "Iraq" was just a lucky choice for Corman and that the rest of his scenario doesn't come true.
stimpy-13 It's not that bad of a movie I liked it. granted it is poorly done and the acting isn't so great. for a cheap B-movie the special effects aren't bad. and for a Roger Corman movie it's better than some of his he's either produced or ex-produced. you want to see a BAD MOVIE? rent CLUB VAMPIRE you will laugh till you cry the movie is so bad. John Savage is in it an it's 10 times worse than this. anyways it was different the plot has been done before an better and the ending is predictable. Jeff Fahey isn't one of the most talented actors of our time to begin with. he's OK but he need to go back to acting school. out of five a 2 and a half which is fair. I have seen better movies true but i have seen worse also.