UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine
UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine
NR | 21 November 2006 (USA)
UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine Trailers

Waylon and Buddy decide to join the army but realize that they have been thrown into a medical experiment that plans on turning them into ultimate killing machines.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
emperorsclothes Another embarrassment to Canadian film making. I think it was supposed to have some humour, but again first rule about being funny: don't try to be funny. Also, the acting was terrible, how anyone justifies putting the time in to do something like this and then some other jerk justifies buying it and then some idiot at Rogers justifies putting it on the air? I don't know. To the actors of this film, take some acting lessons and dig deep, because the audience deserves it. Acting is not easy and if you think you've done it here, you should probably quit. The whole thing is terrible. Terrible. Terrible. I could not even get past the first ten minutes. Michael Madsen is a good actor, but even the editing and shot selection made him look kind of weak.
reddevils85 err this crap poor acting random crappy soundtrack s**t story it sounded lick this was gonna be a top film with a title like U.K.M. ultimate killing machine it does sound lick it is gonna be the dogs b*ll**ks but it isn't but it isn't it made me mad just watching it Michael madson must of needed the money badly. i couldn't even finish watching this s**t it was that bad i would rather get kicked in the gonads all night long than watch w**k lick this hope these comments were useful to u i would give this film lower but i cant i wold rather hit myself with an iron but don't isten to me watch this fu**ing sh*t for yourself and hate it like me too cheers
reeves2002 I can't believe how bad this movie was.It was so lame I ended up fast forwarding over most of it.The acting was bad enough but the story was worse.I should have known it would be a POS knowing Michael Madsen was in it.A lot of the movies he's in suck.The male characters were weak and wimpy, and the female characters did nothing but humiliate men.It was a b-rated comedy trying to be a horror movie.It had a bad score and was probably one of the most boring movies i've seen in awhile. I was surprised to see Bill Parrot in this movie.I haven't seen him since the late 80's in the TV show Degrassi junior high playing the Shane Mckay character.He should have reprised the Shane character on Degrassi TNG instead of doing a movie as horrible as this, but unfortunately for Bill they found another actor to play Shane which is too bad because I prefer Bill in the role.
Marko Kettunen I know it's always a bad sign, these days, to see Michael Madsen starring a movie. Even though he has been - and perhaps in some ways still is - a decent actor, he's been making a lot of bad B-movies lately and surprisingly, this is even worse than BloodRayne. He has come far from the days of Reservoir Dogs and both Kill Bills, but apparently lacking the sense of staying far enough from movies like this.First of all, this movie has an identity problem. It's like a compilation of all those clichés you have seen in about every other movie, but only worse. The movie begins like any other cheap scifi horror flick, where people are tested against their will by the US Army and some ketchup gets sprayed on the walls as your regular monster gets loose for a moment. Then we go into a teen comedy, where four teens act like they do in every other teen movie, all so rebellious. Since these teens are all scum, yet in different ways, they get the privilege to carry on for the rest of the movie. They hate each other and the army, then they hate a bit more, after the evil experiments they get away, get couple of totally incompetent guards beaten up, and then they bond and fight each other, while those same incompetent guards get killed by the monster from the intro sequence, losing their heads and faces, while Mr Madsen tries to figure out what to do with the old, crazy nazi and the lovely nurse. Luckily all three get killed by the monster. In the end there is supposed to be an explosion, but since the budget was pretty close to twenty bucks in the beginning, there's not even any cheap CGI in the movie, but just a flash with couple of booms. Oh, forgot to mention about that one girl, who got shot in her forehead.This movie lacks all the logic and even all the suspension, as you can only watch with your jaws open and wonder if you are supposed to be laughing at or just frightened about all those horrible things you see on the screen. Yes, the acting is horrible, the properties seem to be made by a six-year old Chinese, and since there is no script, I can't see why there was an add-on romance in this movie. Maybe it was an accident.To make it short, if you want to spend some time doing something totally useless, watch this film. It will make you feel better about your real life, as escapism this bad is surely worse than anything one could ever face in the real world.
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