Time Rush
Time Rush
PG-13 | 29 April 2016 (USA)
Time Rush Trailers

Alex, stuck in a repeating loop of time, must navigate his way through the bustling streets of Bangkok with mysterious men on his heels trying to kill him. Parkour, martial arts, shoot outs and car flips all result in his death until the last loop.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Ian I've ticked the Spoiler box just in case although I don't really think it does. But in any event, it left me confused as hell so spoil that!Hmmm... The accusations of fake positive reviews themselves sound fake although the film is full of problems.Really poor dialogue is the most noticeable. The writer is also the 'star' AND the producer (who's Mummy & Daddy have lots of money, then?) and, yes, the actors could be better and the action scenes are generally hum drum and unimaginative although the performers are very athletic. Yes, the direction is iffy and the script could do with some serious tightening. And, er, well, the sequence of events - ie. what's happening is definitely confusing.The continuous flashbacks is annoying in the extreme. If I see another movie which starts with a denouement and flashes back X minutes/days/weeks/months I'll not only scream and walk out/switch off, I'll be straight back here and posting a 1 review! If the story's not capable of being told in a linear fashion and needs to show an 'exciting moment' in order to keep the audience in their seats, it needs another writer or another audience. Probably both! But I digress... This doesn't quite do that.Essentially, the 'hero' keeps reliving the last 30 minutes, but does he remember the previous 30 minutes or is each one new? That's never really clear.The most totally unexlained thing - and common to many movies - is that the antagonists seem to want the protagonist alive but shoot at him when they're chasing him. How does that work? Come on, writer/director, get your act together!A favourite line - "Why don't I remember anythink!" Oops, whose accent is slipping? Oh dear...It's a nice idea - or at least an interesting one - mangled by dire dialogue, poor story flow and iffy direction and editing.So why watch it? Well, I'm a glutton for anything to do with time travel. This actually isn't (at least I don't think it is) but, alas, with this movie my gluttony got what it deserved!
sarastro7 No, this movie isn't going to win any awards, esp. because of its frequently atrocious acting and dialogue, BUT, those things are just placeholders. The real substance is the martial arts scenes and great stunt choreography on the one side, and the pretty astounding sci-fi/time viewing twist on the other. Ambitiously, this movie is trying to be "Memento" by being based around a plot about an experimental drug which simultaneously makes you forget the past and foresee the future! From a sci-fi point of view, it's not bad at all, even if it does seem to me to end with a logically impossible (but illuminating and satisfying) paradox. This is a pretty good and worthwhile movie if you are a fan of both martial arts movies and sci-fi, like I am, so I actually think this movie is impressive - and, of course, underrated.My rating: 6 stars out of 10. I might have given it 7 if it didn't have so many repeating scenes. But it was nicely put together under the circumstances. And very cool moves by writer/star Dean Alexandru! Sadly for this movie, it is too smart for its usual target audience of action movie fans, who consequently give it a very poor rating. You actually need to have your brain switched on when watching it. Otherwise you're not gonna get it.
francoismequer Hello everyone,First of all I would like to say that I have nothing to do with the production of this film but I am also working on the independent scene (feel free to check my work). I have read some very harsh reviews and I believe this film simply doesn't deserve them. You may like the final product or not but you also have to understand that it is incredibly difficult to make an independent film and these guys managed to make an action/martial arts flick with a story that allowed them to do so (lots of compromise involved I'm sure). This probably meant very little money to make the film and even less/no money to gain. Most independent artistes do what they do for the love of the art (or Action) and not for the money. They created some cool action/martial arts scenes and when you focus on making this kind of film, you don't always have the equipment quality nor the luxury of time to do everything well. Remember this is not a studio film, it's not like they had a huge budget for the film and failed to deliver. They did a small action film with everything they had and worked hard and fast to make the film happen. when you deal with action & stunts, it takes time to get everything right at once and it is time consuming. When doing so, it leaves little place to focus on the acting which becomes secondary. They intended to make an action film and focused on doing that. An action flick with talented stunt actors. Well done guys! Give these guys a bigger budget and I'm sure they will surprise you!
Steffan Jobe This is a clever little indie action movie with an original take on the "memory" concept. Mid-way between a martial arts flick and a sci-fi movie, it has definite appeals to both audiences, with a few slick fight sequences and enough of a brain teaser to keep you thinking for 85 minutes.The director and stars all do a good job of keeping the plot moving and getting to the next story part without slowing the pace down.It does look cheap at times, and the dubbing isn't great, but the music score is epic and makes it feel like a much higher budget production.If you don't mind lower budget movies, then this is definitely a good one to watch.
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