Running Delilah
Running Delilah
PG-13 | 22 March 1994 (USA)
Running Delilah Trailers

Top agent Delilah dies in a risky mission against weapon dealer Kercharian. But she's revived with high-tech medicine and artificial body parts. As invincible superwoman she returns and continues her fight against Kercherian, who's newest deal includes Plutonium from Russia.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
gridoon2018 "Running Delilah" tries to introduce a female Robocop, of sorts (although this half-human / half-machine heroine is fully conscious of her human part from the beginning), but falls short of the mark. The main problem is the budget, or rather the lack of budget: Delilah is supposed to be a perfect top-secret technological weapon, but she hardly does anything that couldn't also be accomplished by the average trained government agent; there is little evidence of any of her "awesome powers". And because this was probably intended as a pilot for a TV series, it spends most of its time setting up the premise; when Delilah finally goes out on a mission, the film is 3/4 of the way over! Kim Cattrall looks good and acts well, but the always classy Diana Rigg is wasted in a small part (as her new boss). One bonus point, however, for the Marx Brothers reference - see if you can catch it. ** out of 4.
MuggySphere Sure it's not the most original idea but I really did enjoy this update of the "bionic"" hero story.Kim Cattrall played her role brilliantly and I could just about believe her shock when she wakes up in hospital to find parts of her body replaced by bionics.. She carried that off well.It would have been nice had this carried over to a regular TV series... 6/10
benlindsay Kim Cattrall stars as an undercover agent. She is ambushed by a well-known international arms dealer. Kim & her partner Billy Zane race her body to a secret government laboratory where she's turned into a cyborg. Despite the fairly good cast (including Diana Rigg), I found this film disappointing. Only watch it if there's REALLY nothing else good on!
servofan ABC has how many dramas? This pilot would have been the start of an excellent series. Kim Cattrall, Billy Zane and Diana Rigg do fine work, and the science fiction elements are slickly realized. The spy facets do not seem childish, and the frank discussions between the two agents are quite novel for a television series. The development of the friction between Mr. Zane and Delilah's "creator" portrayed by the talented Francois Gueteray would have been fun to watch on a weekly basis. It's a shame ABC didn't continue this appealing oddity that stylishly updates the concept of the cyborg.