R | 12 March 1998 (USA)
Mars Trailers

In the future, Mars has been colonized. A martial artist arrives to investigate what happened to his brother. A powerful mining company is the prime suspect.

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
mstomaso It took three sittings to get through, but I made it through this low-budget sci-fi kick-boxing thriller. The two elements that really killed this film are the script and Gabrield Dell Jr's channeling of Rob Schneider (on crack). Mars is so full of clichés that the cast should have been given awards for keeping straight faces throughout the production. And Dell's character is so loud, obnoxious, and unfunny, that the single best line in the film, and perhaps it's most dramatic moment, occurs when Greunier tries to get him to shut up.Shari Belafonte is beautiful and Olivier Greunier looks good too, but good looks don't help a bad script. Some of the acting is poor, but mostly its the absurd script that makes good acting almost inconceivable. Belafonte carries her lines better than the rest of the cast. Greunier is pretty good at looking apathetic, angry and detached, but I have to say that the whole casting non-actors as silent unemotional heroes thing is really wearing thin.Knowing how low budget this film was, and knowing a little about how it was made, I have to say that the production values are really not that bad, and the directing is actually pretty good. The director, a tenth degree black-bekt and Undefeated Florida Full-Contact Heavyweight Karate Champion, has made some absolutely hideous films (The Watchers being the worst example), but Mars is a big improvement over his earlier works. The film keeps a reasonable pace and doesn't try to do very much with what it doesn't have (i.e. a useful script).Though I just finished watching this last night, I am struggling to remember the plot. Greunier is Caution Templer - a "Keeper" - a kind of corporate intelligence officer. His brother, also a keeper, has been murdered on Mars, where the company has a mining interest. Almost as soon as he gets to Mars to investigate, he connects with Belafonte, who has just made a startling and troublesome discovery, and people start trying to kill them both. There really isn't much more too it.I recommend this film for kick-boxing fans, and would give it a very mild recommendation of low budget sci fi fans.
yeodawg The plot: very simple, space colonies have interplanetary cops to enforce the law. Because you can't use guns in the space colonies (they'll blow out a wall and implode it) they must kick-box their way to justice.In comes Kick-boxer a Oliver Gruner (im his greatest fan) a journeyman lone hero to find out who killed his brother a fellow cop. Surprise, its a conspiracy by an evil greedy corporation. The corporation decides to dispacth its goon squad to dissuade the investigation. Causing O.G. here to beat his way down to the truth.Rae dawn Chong phones in another performance.Its a horrible movie but i give it an 8 out of 10 because it gives you everything you'd expect. It loses a point because into only did it power the entire plot from other movies it also borrowed the space suits from different movies. One looks like its from the 50's the other 2000's. Uniformity boys, uniformity. It loses another point for (I can't believe I'm saying this)a sex scene, it didn't need to be in there, just a back alley buck for drugs. It came to late in the movie for a sex scene and it wasn't fun to watch. its like they threw it in there to kill time.
John Seal This is one of those low budget affairs that purport to present an alien world or a bleak future whilst looking like they were filmed in a warehouse for about $20,000.... which Mars probably was. Tedious and unexciting.
mgg4 I can't believe I sat through this film. I didn't find much to recommend about this film. Save yourself 90 minutes of hell. Watch something else.