Threads of Destiny
Threads of Destiny
PG-13 | 23 February 2014 (USA)
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94 years after The Battle of Yavin, the New Republic has been resurrected and democracy once again rules the galaxy. The Jedi Order is reestablished on the planet Yavin 4, and has continued to train new Jedi Knights in the art of peace and justice. But all is not peaceful in this new world. With the fall of the Dark Empire, the ancient Skenvi Empire now comes out of the shadow to make its move. The Skenvi now oppose the New Republic for control over the galaxy with their aggressively growing empire. The Skenvi seek to seize control of all the galaxy's most valuable resources to cripple their enemies. And if a planet refuses to join them, they have been known to take very aggressive actions. Caught in between this struggle over the fate of the galaxy is the little planet of Coreign. The planet possesses a very powerful resource that would greatly favor the side that has access to it if a galactic war was to emerge.

ada the leading man is my tpye
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
maineocto First of all, although the acting wasn't great, it certainly was adequate. I found the sceneries of the the different planets extremely beautiful. Admittedly I watched this film on a laptop computer, but I was never aware of any flaws in either the cities, the wooded garden, the landing strips nor, of course, the asteroid belt. However, though there were a few, I did miss the various robots from the original Star Wars movies. And the Yetis (though they were very much there in the much-different Star Wars Christmas movie). All in all, I very much look forward to the next film by this director. maineocto, a.k.a. Art Since, alas, my review didn't contain enough lines, I add that my home is the mid-coastal Maine Bunny Foo-foo for President Headquarters. "Bop most politicians on the head!"
grafxman First the good news. The storyline is excellent. The music is excellent. The outer space shots are excellent. The chicks are gorgeous Swedes. Unfortunately there is only one good actor in the flick. That's the guy who plays the Sith Lord. I suppose playing a bad guy does a give an actor more meat to chew on. The guys playing Jedi both had the most annoying habit I have ever seen in a film. They walk about in nearly every scene with their hands clasp together in front of them. They appear as if they're covering or supporting their dangly bits. Someone should have yelled HANDS at them every time they did it. I can't think of habit I've seen an actor have in a film that was more irritating. These folks are stoic Swedes acting in this film so they have little energy or charisma. It's not their fault. That's just the way they are. If another movie gets made by the same crew I would recommend requiring the male actors to shave daily. Having a few days of beard on the face of every male that's old enough to grow a beard is not becoming. If you ever use that king again, get him a crown. He might clean up nicely with a shave and a crown.From there I'm afraid things get a little worse. As a photographer I was constantly annoyed by the lighting and cinematography. For some reason the light was constantly spilling over into the scene around the edges. Nearly every scene had haze and smoke and fog for no apparent purpose. That constant light spilling in from the edges coupled with the particles of fog and smoke or whatever it was made many scenes blurry which is to say pretty awful. Many scenes appeared to have been shot through glass that had reflections on it's surface.Still, when all is said and done, I enjoyed the movie. It was apparently the herculean efforts of one guy and a few other people. They are to be commended for the efforts. I hope they make another film and get better acting, lighting and cinematography.
Michael I've just stumbled over this film here on IMDb, downloaded it and gave it a go, despite the rather bad reviews. And I sat there, totally awed by what I saw. This has got to be one of the most ambitious fan projects ever done and, in my opinion, they pulled it off.From the opening score to the end credits this film was full of great ideas,great scenes and great effects. The music was excellent, the actors mostly good or sometimes even great and the story entertaining.For those of you, who think you know better or you could do this better: You are wrong. But let me put all that into perspective: The making of this film cost EUR 6000,- !!If you complain about flaws in acting, story or continuity, let me tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of movies out there, that had a budget of 100k or more, that had professional writers, directors and actors and that are worse. Not to mention the really bad movies that cost many millions. Sure, the production quality is that of a fan film - but there it is top notch and as such a masterpiece.Everybody who has ever tried to make just one costume or to build a 3D model or to write, act or shoot a dialog knows how much work and time, and what's even more, how much love was put into making this movie.More than 100 people spend their time working on this, the whole production took 9 years,there are more than 1500 FX shots and the overall outcome is simply awesome, with the 3D and FX being the real stars of the movie (as it always was in Star Wars).Don't get me wrong. Don't expect a polished,commercial movie. This is a no-budget fan made film, but it is the best I have ever seen.
Altureus This has been in production for a long time, around 8 years or so, it was finally finished in 2014 for the world to see with the collaboration of many talented people across the globe. Rasmus Tirzitis, gets some props for being able to keep everyone together to finally finish this fan film.However, this is exactly just that, another Star Wars fan film. If you are not a fan of Star Wars, this film will be difficult to watch. That's not to say there aren't great scenes implemented throughout the film. It will just be much harder for a non fan to take this film more seriously or even enjoy it altogether. Some of the highlights include the asteroid chase scene which was surprisingly very well done and left me wanting more, .......SPOILER........the death of the queen was memorable as well,.....END SPOILER..... also Andreas Rylander's acting as Lord Siege definitely takes the lead as the most immersive as well as best actor in the film. The rest of the cast performs admirably, but with the Swedish accents makes it a little more difficult to believe or hear. I'm glad that this was finally able to be completed. I've always been a fan of what other fans of the Star Wars universe can create. This film definitely pushes the boundaries for what a dedicated group of fans can make. There are just some flaws that keep it from being a masterpiece, something that only a full on high budget production team could pull off.