R | 15 January 2019 (USA)
Counterpunch Trailers

Based on a true story. A young boxer, Emilio, from the wrong side of the tracks with big dreams of winning the Golden Gloves boxing championship, finds himself at a cross roads after being locked up. As he fights his way back into the winning circle he gets a second shot at the championship title. As he is toe to toe in the ring with his competitor he'll throw all the punches and be the last man standing.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Leofwine_draca COUNTERPUNCH is a cheap boxing drama made on a tiny indie budget. Watching it, you wonder why they bothered with a story that just goes through a number of genre cliches, including prison life, training, and the climactic fight, when all of it feels so hackneyed, so predictable. The budget is too low as well, which precludes any decent writing or performances, making this a chore to watch. Danny Trejo pops up as a convict and Steven Bauer's in there somewhere too, but this really is the pits regardless.
sean eren we expect more fighting considering the title of the film but the movie doesn't give us much of what we expect unfortunately. The cast also doesn't provide us with world wide stars except Danny Trejo so it also lacks celebrity charm too. nevertheless the cast we have in this movie did a good work, acting are fine it just needs a little more spice to make us feel better about the film. and because this is a boxing film we have to compare it with the best we have ; rocky, drama level is lower than the legend film and so are the duration of fighting scenes, yet one can always give it a shot for one-time viewing only not too bad not too good
taub This is the kind of movie that you never hear of, and after you watch it, you wonder why there aren't more movies like this. America is full of interesting people that overcome terrible odds. But the movies you see made commercially have the same stars, redoing the same stories, or remaking old TV shows.This movie holds your interest throughout the entire movie. The characters are realistic, because it is based on a true story. I love Danny Trejo, but frequently he just has cameo appearances, but he has a solid performance in this movie. I hope this crew makes some more movies, and that Hollywood starts promoting more Indy films. The Behind the Scenes portion of the DVD says that the film was made in 14 days, on a very low budget.
Titok9 I liked this film, I thought the acting was very good and it touched on a very delicate subject matter and enjoyed the risk these filmmakers took. I have nothing to do with this industry, I just enjoy watching movies when I get out of work and I gotta be honest... This movie really took me by surprise, I don't know why, but I just decided to give it a chance while I was browsing through netflix and it sucked me in. The first scene woke me up, It caught me off guard and it felt very real, I was suffering with the lead actor and totally felt his pain. I saw it with my whole family, I had to tell the kids to go upstairs because some of the language, but the actors in this film were amazing, and It was very brave to tell A TRUE STORY about this. Kudos to Counterpunch. Watch out for a couple of these actors in this film, looks like they have a very bright career ahead of them, the lead actor especially.