Curse of Pirate Death
Curse of Pirate Death
| 04 November 2006 (USA)
Curse of Pirate Death Trailers

Over a century ago Pirate's Point was overrun by pirates, led by Abraham LeVoy, who became known as Pirate Death. He looted from the town, slaughtering over 150 men, women and children and then hid the treasure. Unaware of the terrifying and tortuous nature of Pirate Death, a group of college students researching their "pirate" heritage decide to locate the hidden treasure of Pirate Death.

TinsHeadline Touches You
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
macrobstar This movie changed my life. To anybody struggling to come to terms with our place in the universe, or anybody who finds themselves wondering about the point of our existence, I would recommend to you Curse Of Pirate Death. This movies liberal use of breasts and black metal, combined with its moving plot and gripping character development will change how you view the world of movies, and the world in general. Not only is the story original, moving and full of subtext, but it is also thrilling and will have you spooked right out of your seat throughout. Mitch Toles delivers a stunning performance as Pirate Death, one which I would consider Oscar worthy, viewers will find themselves screaming in terror at the bloody murder scenes one minute, and laughing at his puns the next. The empowerment of women is an important theme in this movie, as many of the female characters will show their breasts with provocation and none of the male characters bat an eyelid, which just goes to show how forward thinking the writers were when approaching this topic. The powerful and socially conscious messages of the movie mean that anyone who sticks around for the whole thing will leave feeling enriched, and it also makes the film not just suitable for children, but a necessary watch for any child that needs to be molded into a healthy member of society. 10/10 will view again, many times.
BHorrorWriter Okay, so I know I am listed as the writer and even got the story credit...luckily, I know that is not true. The movie you have seen (and I am sorry) was NOT MY SCRIPT! Some of the character names were in my version, but this is not mine. This was not my story idea.Dave, if your reading this, I'm sorry to be trashing it. But you know how I feel about this one.If you wanna check out a Sterling Gore Fest, check out Gothic VAMPIRES FROM HELL or ATTITUDE FOR DESTRUCTION. Or even THE CURSE OF LIZZIE BORDEN 2.I know, shameless plug over! ***Can I get an Alan Smithee for this one?***
aius24 I have seen a lot of bad movies but this one is unbelievably bad. I wonder if this was made by mentally challenged people because no same person would do such a thing (it is impossible for me to call this a movie), and on top of that release it for the world to see it. And those "actors"...oh, man, those "actors"... are they so desperate to get in a movie? This thing shouldn't even be on IMDb... it should be at most on cartoon network bloopers or something. Anyway i'm just going to keep writing some about this thing since i have to post like 10 lines. How high do you have to get to be able to commit such crime against the human intelligence? Retarded movie!!! Don't waste time of your life with this!!!I am begging you! Please let us vote with 0 too
mishgal i been watching this movie with my wife last night,and i am a real fan of gore movies,at the first 10 minutes of this film you are sure that you are gonna watch a porn movie,but for my surprise it was a real refreshing movie-good metal music,sexy body language and great b movie saluter effects. i cant said it is a good movie but yes it is a cult movie. for the metal lovers you must see this crap. but beware-terrible actors,bad script,and a cheap video camera but the atmosphere is great,and the story is a nice legend about pirates and love story beyond death. and Ron Jeremy for his life role you must watch this movie!!!!!