Those Who Walk in Darkness
Those Who Walk in Darkness
| 03 August 2003 (USA)
Those Who Walk in Darkness Trailers

Hip-hop star Lil' Kim voices main character Soledad in this urban anime action film, about a police officer living in futuristic Los Angeles -- a place that is now home to citizens with incredible genetic structures. With these super genes, the people of the city now have powers that make them shockingly superior to all other human beings. It's up to Soledad to join a special task force to take on the mighty creatures.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
dicksmothersjr I made the mistake of renting this from NetFlix. I'm a big comic book/animation/superhero fan and, when I learned it was based on a book by John Ridley (The American Way), I was stoked. However, I should've wondered why I hadn't heard of it before. For those of you who care, this piece of crap was animated using Flash, which is not automatically bad (I site the brilliant, web-based cartoons featuring Bitey of Brackewnood by Adam Phillips as the acme of what can be done using Flash), but "Those Who Walk In Darkness'" animation was the most horrid, amateurish, unsophisticated, unarticulated shite I've ever seen. I've seen stuff on people's personal home pages that look like vintage Disney compared to this travesty. Why anybody thought it was good enough to burn to DVD and distribute is beyond me. It would've been nice to see a genuine animation effort using Ridley's story as basis but, alas, not this time. I cannot recommend strongly enough that you avoid this piece of crap at all costs.
razorjak Horrid use of flash animation to begin with. There are high school computer class projects that look better.Racist bigotry abounds on so many levels in this piece of garbage.I wanted to turn the damned DVD off after ten minutes but I let it play through in hopes maybe she develops some remorse over the fact that she caused the majority of the deaths in the show by killing off a meta who was literally a guardian angel.No such luck. She never grows. She continues to hold a bigotry that even has her obsessing over creating a bullet that can kill the one type of meta that she hasn't been able to yet, intangibles.Don't waste your money. I can understand why this went QUICKLY to the 2 for a dollar bin at Family Video.
David Topping This film is a real pity. Ridley's book "Those Who Walk in Darkness" is a very disturbing view of what might happen in a society in which superheroes are so commonplace that they have been legislated against and exiled from America.The story takes the point of view of a female law enforcement officer joining a unit which specialises in hunting down superheroes who are illegally remaining in the US. The book makes no bones about the fact that these units are essentially assassination squads and provides some chilling parallels between this future society's law enforcement and the Nazi Einsatzgruppe. The novel dwells in some detail on the character's attitude to those she hunts and the way society has become intolerant, making her appear relatively normal. The book even draws some sympathy for her for the way she is treated by her superiors.Unfortunately this film is so poorly and amateurishly animated and voiced that absolutely none of the ambiguity of the book (making a hero of someone most people would think of as being morally wrong) and renders this a sort of children's cartoon with an adult rating, thus guaranteeing that no-one will enjoy it. What comes across is an "in your face" portrayal of why it's OK to go round killing people because they're very different, and thus appears very racist / (specist?). The book brings out a very different message and clearly questions whether this is right.I can understand that good animation costs a lot of money and that a topic like this one must be difficult to gets funds for. I think in this case though it would have been best left as a book.I really can't recommend this to anyone. The book however is worth reading.
DeRosset Myers Have you ever seen a Flash or Shockwave movie? This is pretty much how the film plays out. The animation is really weird: the characters move around across the screen like paper dolls and certain sequences like flames contain too few frames of animation. This really bothers me. The main hero (played by Li'l Kim) is a bigot against these supernatural beings, which makes her out to be more of a villain than a hero. I'm not trying to dog FLASH movies (or even insult canines), but this is ridiculous. The lack of frames is unbearable and ruins what could have been at least a decent film. I hope Li'l Kim takes a better look at her next movie script . . . unless she's really only in it for the money.