| 01 October 2005 (USA)
Sidekick Trailers

Mild-mannered computer consultant Norman Neale has two great loves in this cruel world: Comic books and his office's effervescent main receptionist, Andrea Hicks. Norman spends his days dreaming of Andrea from the isolation of his cubicle and his nights dreaming of fighting crime from the solitude of his apartment. Then one fateful day Norman discovers that a fellow co-worker, Victor Ventura, a swaggering, pretty-boy salesman, has slight telekinetic abilities beyond his understanding. After discussing his mind-blowing discovery with his only friend Chuck, a know-it-all comic book store owner, Norman comes to the outlandish conclusion that he should train Victor to become a real-life superhero by helping him refine and expand his extraordinary ability.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
joe1991-1 Watchable but nothing special. It reminded me of a sci-fi channel TV movie. Woulda made a mediocre Twighlight Zone or X-files episode.I rate it a 3 because if you spent any money watching it, you might very well feel ripped off.Some people might rate it higher because it's an indie, but I'm an average movie watcher, not a film-school teacher. I rate all movies by one standard.It had a low-budget feel from the start. Camera and sound work were fine, The few small special effects were OK, so I guess it was the acting and directing that made it feel cheap. All the extras looked like acting students who like to stretch their lines out to get more face-time on camera.The Baldwin brother looked like De Niro compared to the other actors, and no that's not a compliment. If you thought the movie "Unbreakable" was the bestest movie ever, then you might like this variation of the same theme.
leo's Videos I saw this the other night at the okanagan fall film fest and it ruled. This is the kinda movie that $200,000,000 would not necessarily make better. The script was awesome very smart very funny and very witty. The acting was all spot on, not one weak character. The directing, cinematography and special effect were all perfect. (just so you know I do not know anyone involved so this IS not a biest review). The beauty of Canadian films is due to lack of budget they have to be exceptional films in order to get picked up and maple has picked this one up so you should see it in your local independent video store come mid November, and I strongly recommend it. All I have to say about this film is that it was well worth the $8 movie ticket and I will stock several copy's in my store.
minoui Finally a comic book genre movie that has a worthwhile storyline. This film does not rely on explosions to keep the audience interested- instead it reverts to the past, when movies were made to tell a story. And what a story. This was one I actually wanted to hear and was not disappointed in. I wonder why I don't support home-grown talent more often as opposed to wasting a minimum of eight dollars to see a Hollywood big budget movie that I am always disappointed in? Go see this movie, it reminds me of Canada's relationship with the US. Although Canada is seen as a measly "sidekick" they actually have all of the... well, I won't explain further for fear of spoiling the movie but if you keep this in mind while viewing you will easily grasp my train of thought.
terramoreland A brave foray into a genre that traditionally requires big budgets. It is amazing what these folks did on so little. What a great independent film! Strong acting by the leads. Norman really gets you feeling bad for him and for all the people who are stuck in their little worlds with big imaginations and big hearts. Add a nice little twist and voilà! If only more big films showed the same sense of heart. You can relate to these guys. You can empathize with them, stuck in their boring jobs, looking for more, hoping to find it, and then realizing that not everybody cares like you do. A great Canadian film with great images of Toronto! It was excellent to see the effort they made to bring as much of the comic book world into it as they could. I especially like Ken Lashley's cameo. I also think it was great of Danny Baldwin to appear as well. I hope to see more from these talented new comers.