Three Giant Men
Three Giant Men
| 01 November 1973 (USA)
Three Giant Men Trailers

Istanbul is being terrorized by a crime wave, and the police call in American superhero Captain America and Mexican wrestler Santo to put a stop to it.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Micransix Crappy film
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
williemanga150 For a Turkish movie adaptation of a comic book, you wouldn't really know what to expect. The one thing I didn't expect this movie to do is make such a popular character... nothing like him. 3 Dev Adam, or Three Giant Men, or Turkish Spider-Man as fans refer to it as. I'm not gonna address much of the plot, because it's a foreign film. It's not that I don't like foreign films (In fact, I love Felidae), I just don't speak Turkey, so I can't get much out of it. So the 3 Dev Adam in this are Spider-Man, Captain America and Santo. But this time Spider-Man is a sinister assassin who... is trying to take over the world, I guess? Wow, Jonah Jameson was right about this one; he really is a menace. It's up to Santo and Cap to foil his evil plans. Now, I know it's the seventies, but even then, this movie was pretty strange. Though, I got to appreciate it because of how funny it is. In a sex scene, it cuts to some guy laughing and playing with... gnomes? Can someone please explain to me what the h*** is going on?? At least the music is good; pretty catchy for the 70s. The quality is okay for a 70s movie, but the SpiderMan costume is pretty silly; it looks far from what the cover of the movie shows it as. There's a bit of blood, not too much, but some of the killings are pretty shocking, including one where a white rat eats a man's face off (barely shown), or SpiderMan gets his head crushed, but I digress. I'd rate this PG-13 for blood and brief sexuality; not too inappropriate. I personally rate this 7 stars out of 10; it's not a masterpiece by any means, but it does provide some enjoyment, whether or not you can figure out what the actors are saying.
Leofwine_draca Typically hilarious Turkish outing, as so-bad-it's-good as you could ever want, full of incredible scenes of action and surprises at every turn. Ignore the language barrier and instead focus on the nonstop entertainment this film has to offer, with bad actors beating each other senseless at every opportunity in poorly-choreographed fight sequences, displaying a lack of talent all round. Knowing that quality isn't always important in Turkish movies is a help, and instead watch for the sheer quantity of wackiness this film has to offer.Offering not one, not two but three classic superheroes, this is an unmissable combination. First of all you have Captain America, who doubles as an everyday guy with a fine line in bad '70s fashions, as played by Aytekin Akkaya (THE MAN WHO SAVES THE WORLD) in true old-fashioned heroic style with plenty of derring-do. Then there's the muscular but masked Santo, that fantastic Mexican wrestler-hero who appears to beat up a fair few bad guys before mysteriously disappearing towards the end of the movie. And what of Spider-Man? Well, forget the crusader of good - here, here's a pervert, a peeping tom who likes nothing better than to brutally murder innocent women in the shower.Yes, this film surprisingly mixes in comic-book style action with pretty graphic scenes of violence and murder, scenes which include a double-impaling a la BAY OF BLOOD; a strangulation with a shower cord a boat propeller being driven into a girl's face and blood splattering another woman's legs; a guy getting his head crushed in a press; another decapitated by a speeding boxcar (seeing as there is a huge space below him, he forgot to duck, obviously), and in the film's flawless highlight, a guy gets his eyes chewed out... by a pair of ravenous GUINEA PIGS! The plot is typical heroes vs. villains stuff, so easy to follow that a kid could understand. Padding includes lots of women undressing and showering in scenes that definitely push the no-nudity ruling, a striptease in a nightclub and people driving around in cars for no reason. However, the action sequences are extended and a lot of fun to watch, like the moment when Santo takes on a bunch of karate warriors in the local gym and teaches them wrestling Mexican-style. Or check out the "titanic ding dong" when Captain America and Santo team up to go one on one with Spider-Man. The ending is a real show-stopper as well, revealing that there is not just one evil Spider-Man but dozens, each with their own maniacal laughter, and each dying a death more bizarre than the last.Keep your eyes peeled for an interlude involving laughing puppet heads which may just be an insight into the deranged sickening mind of the perverted Spider-Man. Bad costumes, bad lighting, bad sets, bad acting, bad action, bad plot. On their own, each of these would be serious flaws in a movie. Combined, they offer eighty minutes worth of unintentional hilarity and an incredible viewing experience. You've just gotta love those Turks...
massiveapple It's your unfriendly neighbourhood Spiderman! But he's green! And he's in Turkey! And he's ripped a hole in his mask so you can see his bushy eyebrows! And he can't shoot webs anymore! Or climb up walls! Peter Parker must have been bitten by ANOTHER radioactive spider or something, presumably while on holiday in Turkey, because suddenly he's EVIL and likes nothing better than chopping people up with a knife, skewering them in the shower, and, especially, doing lame ass kung-fu on them.You know this film is going to be amazing when - BEFORE THE OPENING CREDITS - Spidey buries a girl up to her neck on the beach, then gets two blokes in a boat to reverse the outboard motor blades into her face. Seems the cops were right all along to be suspicious of that ol' web-slinger. Then those opening credits -- photographs (like actual paper photographs) taken on the set have been stuck on a wall next to fridge-magnet letters spelling out the title, and the camera zooms away from them very quickly...this passes for special effects in 70s Turkish cinema. The theme tune has exactly the same melody as "Diamonds Are Forever". There is no Turkish word for "copyright violation" - as if the psycho slasher Spiderman wasn't proof of that already.As if that wasn't enough, wait -- Evil Spidey is terrorizing Istanbul, so who's the best person to call to deal with the problem? Captain America of course! (well it makes more sense than trusting in the hapless raincoated detective who gets sliced up by Spiderman - who then looks into the camera and says "ho ho ho ho ho. Adios!") Oh, and also Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler. Santo is a trifle fatter than his Mexican version, but at least his blank face mask can be replicated easily - Captain America is a tougher task for the costume designer (who, looking at the costumes, is almost certainly the director's mum). He has the "A" on his head, but he has no shield -- then again, Spidey has no webs, so that evens things out.You have to see this movie. If necessary, go to Turkey to see it. Even better than the notorious Turkish remake of "Star Wars", and a 500% improvement on the recent Hollywood Spiderman. Did Spidey gruesomely murder a lovemaking couple in that movie? Well exactly.
haagis Priceless statues are being stolen all over Istanbuhl(?). Looks like the work of that infamous, murdering Spiderman. The police call in special outside help in Captain America from the United States and the legendary Mexican wrestler Santo.It's anyone's guess why Spidey's turned to a life of crime, what the significance of all the stolen art is, or if those are his bangs or his eyebrows sticking out of the holes in his mask. He's also traded-in his web-shooters for a slick little switch-blade,and can quickly clone himself if he's killed (that part gets real tiresome after a while). Captain America is missing his trusty shield and Santo's wrestling skills resemble Flintstone judo.In fact, nothing seems to make sense at all in this live-action cartoon that makes Tim Burton's 'Batman' look as tame as the 60's TV series. Dozens of people are killed needlessly, sudden jump-cuts take you to sleazy strip clubs, and there's a love scene that's interrupted by the Mr. Rogers' puppets. Even worse, it's all in Turkish. No version in English or English subtitles is available. I'm not painting a pretty pictures here, I know. But I can say it is, without a doubt , one of the BIGGEST film oddities the world over.