This Is a Hijack
This Is a Hijack
PG | 01 June 1973 (USA)
This Is a Hijack Trailers

A man feels obligated to hijack the plane his boss is on after he has gambled himself into overwhelming debt.

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CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Michael_Elliott This Is a Hijack (1973) ** (out of 4)Mike Christie (Adam Roarke) is a gambler who goes into debt and he owes the wrong person money. With his life on the line, Mike is desperate to get money so he plans the hijacking of a plane owned by a millionaire that he knows.The 1970's were full of terrific disaster movies as well as movies dealing with various forms of terrorism. Quite often the two storylines would cross and I must admit that I'm a big fan of these movies. THIS IS A HIJACK is one that I had never heard of until recently and it's a pretty forgettable movie. It's certainly not awful but at the same time it's really not very good either. This is one of those films that just doesn't have anything interesting going on in it.The biggest problem with this movie is that all of the characters are rather bland and boring. You really don't care about the gambler or his issues. You don't care about any of the hostages on the plane as they're all rather shallow and lame. The only interesting character is a rough man played by Neville Brand. This is the guy who smacks everyone around and is basically the enforcer. Brand clearly steals the film with his wild performance, which at least gives the film a little life.The rest of the movie is rather bland. The director never builds up any tension and it's certainly not good when you get shots of the plane and can see the wires that are holding it. With the lack of any tension and the lack of a good story, THIS IS A HIJACK just doesn't have enough going for it.
skullislandsurferdotcom Although it's the underrated Adam Roarke who, as an unlucky gambler owing bundles to the mob, comes up with the plan to hijack a private jet owned by his ball-busting billionaire employer, it's the classic heavy Neville Brand who not only steals the show, but heads the hijacking that involves the bullying of rich snobs, and a lot of other sometimes unintentionally hilarious moments taking away from the contained intensity that might have merited a better film.Brand makes each hostage sing children songs to make them look idiotic, and forcefully seduces their beautiful girlfriends. All the while, Roarke remains the more calculating hijacker, just wanting the plane, which is sought after by the bullet-giddy FBI down below, to land safely. Lynn Borden plays Roarke's girlfriend, and it's great seeing the duo from FROGS and DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY together again.A guilty pleasure that gets too sidetracked with eccentric personalities of an eclectic cast of characters, often putting the titular heist to the background, it's still entertaining from start to finish, abandoning the mainstream thriller template for that of a gritty exploitation and ultimately synergizing into a combination of both.For More Reviews:
merklekranz From the VHS box ... "Adam Roarke (The Stunt Man) plays a reckless gambler who owes money to the mafia-too much money. There's only one way out of this mess, Roarke must must kidnap a millionaire to extort some mean pocket change-it's only a simple matter of hijacking the tycoon's private jet, with a little unwanted help from some mafia thugs." What is surprising is that "This is a Hijack", although advertised as "Your worst fears from today's headlines", is actually a totally tasteless "black comedy". Now I am not sure how a sensitive subject like hijacking a plane would play as dark comedy? Probably it didn't play much, if at all, since I am writing the first IMDb review. Amazingly this is above average entertainment, and definitely "dark". The millionaire's second in command refuses to pay the ransom, anticipating if his boss is killed, he would move into the top position. An ongoing argument between the FBI and a local sheriff (Dub Taylor) is another highlight, especially since Dub's plan makes more sense than the FBIs. With an outrageous script, clever dialog, and ample "black humor", this is a surprise winner. Recommended, if you can find it. - MERK