R | 24 August 2007 (USA)
Them Trailers

Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise. They're not alone... and a group of hooded assailants begin to terrorize them throughout the night.

Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
morrison-dylan-fan Waiting in town for a friend to arrive in order to go for an hour long drive to Ikea (!) With her,I decided to pass the time by looking in a local DVD shop. Getting to the end of a terrible DVD row,I was surprised to find that the shelf actually had an interesting title,which led to me getting ready to meet them.The plot:Driving home, Clémentine spots a smashed up car lying by the side of the road (unknown to Clémentine,the car had contained a mum and daughter,who have both been brutally killed by a gang) Putting questions of the car to one side, Clémentine relaxes with her boyfriend Lucas in their country house.During the night, Clémentine and Lucas start to hear,strange,disturbing noises from the outside.Looking out of the window,Lucas and Clémentine spot a gang lurking in the shadows,who wants them to play.View on the film:Running a lean & (pretty) mean 74 minutes,the screenplay by co- writers/directors David Moreau & Xavier Palud chops into an unexpected slow-burn approach,which give Palud and Moreau to close off the couple with horrific isolation. Staying vague over the motive of the baddies,the writers brilliant limit the full appearance of the gang,to instead make them run psychological chills around the screen,which gives the bursts of violence from the couple and the gang a brittle brutality.Shot in a real sprawling old estate in Romania,directors Moreau & Palud take full advantage of the vast location with tightly coiled tracking shots from every side of the house raining the claustrophobia down on Lucas and Clémentine.Hitting out in grainy digital,the directors and cinematographer Axel Cosnefroy cleverly use the format to give the title a grime-covered chiller atmosphere,by the grainy format rolling the shadows round the ankles of Clémentine (played by a great,hard nails Olivia Bonamy-who suffered from claustrophobia during production) and Lucas, (played by a very good,rugged Michaël Cohen) as they try to outplay them who want to play most.
dakjets This French film is an effective horror film, that will keep your heart beating intense, and your attention the time it lasts. As a horror fan I found it well done and thoroughly made. I especially enjoyed the very, very scary opening scenes.The film is a perfect example of a horror movie made of simple, effective effects. It also has very good sound effects. No big spender budget here, but that does not matter when it's done like this.The actors makes a convincing job as a very tormented couple. I only wonder why especially the wife manages to keep the appearance up so well as she does, and not flip out completely.Recommended if you like scary Movies.
RevRonster While "Them" wasn't poorly made, I just couldn't get into it.The acting is decent and the story is your typical home-invasion affair that is pretty common in the genre of horror (and, of course, it's claim to be based on a true story) but the problem came from the fact the characters aren't really developed enough that I found myself capable of caring for them and the story is just too familiar. Additionally, the film bravely decides to opt-out of using music to cue the shocking scenes and the moments meant to scare but the editing in the film proved to be the undoing with this move because, too often, scenes went on too long and they seemed to be giving the audience time to prepare and be caught totally ON-guard for what was to come next.The film also tries to put a fresh coat of paint by twisting up the usual home-invader and the motive behind said invasion but, after watching a story that basically boils down to watching a person run, hide, look for the chaser, run again and repeat, I found myself completely unable to even be a little bit impressed or even surprised by the reveal—not to mention that how the filmmakers decide to tell you the motive behind it all was just lazy and felt like a last minute addition."Them" wasn't put together poorly and it really had some potential but these films just don't spook or scare me. So any scene that was meant to be tension-filled and suspenseful came off slow-going and boring.
Gruffhouse Reviews (gruffhousereviews) A second foreign film review for Gruffhouse. We have to say… We're really looking forward to watching another one. This film, known is 'Ils' in it's original state, is a French /Romanian film directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud (both better known for directing 'The Eye'). Straight off, we can easily say that we loved it. Jonathan Ross called it "77 minutes of gloriously maintained tension". He's not wrong.Let us describe the opening scene for you. The film starts off with a mother and daughter arguing whilst on a car journey to… who knows where. They lose control of the car trying to avoid something in the road and plough straight into a lamp post. After many failed attempts to start the car, the mother gets out of the car and looks at the engine. Everyone knows what's coming. It's a horror film. It's obvious. BUT the eerie noises, the lingering shots of the road that slot in between short, choppy camera shots almost makes it seem like something paranormal is about to happen. The daughter calls out to her mother. There's no shadows. No evidence of anything moving around the car. The hood of the car slams shut and the mother's nowhere to be seen. She gets out of the car to look for her mother but the creepy sounds of the forest send her running back to the vehicle. She is then taunted and terrified by the silence and the mud that is slowly and methodically being flung towards the car. The silence strikes again and she is strangled from behind by some unknown character in the back passenger seat. We don't see these characters referenced again throughout the whole film. They're purely there to start the ball rolling.There are two other characters in the movie: Clementine and Lucas. : a young couple who have recently moved to the area. We see Clementine drive past the crashed car from the previous night as she makes her way home – a very clever, subtle way to set the time frame for the movie.The directors do something very clever over the next few scenes; they make you really like these characters. You see them bond in their new home, romantic evenings. You learn to understand their relationship.The horror for this young couple starts one night when their car gets taken. This is then immediately followed by a string of events. The power goes. The phone lines are down. The terror begins. The couple are now being hunted in their own home. It is clear to see the scenes are heavily influenced by the classics. There are lingering shots down the long hallways of the house - very reminiscent of shots from 'The Shining'. There are scenes where Clementine is running through the attic of the house through large pieces of insulation and plastic – mirroring the famous scene from 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' when they're running through the meat cooler. The location scouts did a fantastic job on finding the house. The setting is dynamic – plain walls, lots of doors, hiding places. It's perfect for this sort of movie.When Lucas gets hurt it becomes Clementine's mission to find a way out. Cue the epic-style hide and seek scenario in the attic that I referenced earlier. Then the chase continues outside the house and into the woods that surround them. Now it's just a desperate attempt for her and injured Lucas to escape and find help. What comes next is incredibly creepy.We were on the edge of our seats throughout the whole film. It was frightfully tense and well worth a watch. Unlike most horrors, the ending is pure brilliance. Reading the blurb I was expecting a disappointing 'Panic Room' type storyline. It was the opposite. A fantastic twist and a great plot line throughout. Oh, and I forgot to say… it's based on true events. *shudder*