The Yesterday Machine
The Yesterday Machine
NR | 03 June 1965 (USA)
The Yesterday Machine Trailers

A Nazi scientist invents a time machine enabling him to go back to alter the events of WWII.

BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- The Yesterday Machine, 1963. A couple of college students stumble on a couple of Civil War soldiers while trying to get car repairs in a lonely rural road. The boy is shot and the girl disappears. The police investigate and find many improbable time travel matters located in an secret professor's lab under a abandoned Victorian house. *Special Stars- James Britton, Ann Pellegrino, Jack Herman, Tim Holt('Treasure of Sierra Madre').*Theme- Time is a river that flows and we are in it.*Trivia/location/goofs- B & W. During Natzi time travel doctor's lecture the chalk drawings change back and forth.*Emotion- A quirky, unique, and stylish low budget science fiction film. I would NOT call this a B-movie or a D-movie due to it's very good script, directing, casting, and acting. The low budget aspects of this film only become apparent with the time machine set piece and German doctor's lab sets. Maybe more money or creativity should have been shown there to treat the film viewer with a better reward for staying around to watch the whole film to it's finale. Exciting, suspenseful and frightening, this film is enjoyable.
MartinHafer Wow. 1963 was an amazing year in the annals of movie history. Not only did it bring us "They Saved Hitler's Brain" but also "The Yesterday Machine", so apparently this year was a banner one for insane neo-Nazi scientists and their kooky schemes. In many ways, both these films are very similar--lousy acting, lousy sets and lousy dialog. The only notable way they are different is that "The Yesterday Machine" lacks a cameo appearance of Hitler's head in a pickle jar! The film begins with a young man being shot (apparently by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were brought forward in time) and his girlfriend disappearing. This can only mean one thing...a crazed Nazi scientist is running amok experimenting with the fabric of time. So, it's up to a crack team made up of a dull guy and his amazingly untalented and annoying blonde girlfriend to save humanity. While this sounds ridiculous, this neo-Nazi movement only appears to have three members, so the odds aren't that stacked against them! Jack Herman stars as the brilliant but wacky Nazi scientist. Not only can he make time do goofy things, but he can make the drawings on his chalkboard instantly change due to bad editing. And, he also is less subtle than Dr. Strangelove--and a horrible actor to boot. James Britton is the film's "action hero" and based on this performance, I can see why this is his only film credit--he has the charisma of cheese curds. As for the only "name" in the film, once important actor Jack Holt, he's barely in the film at all--just a walk on in the beginning and end of the film. But, since he'd been in "The Magnificent Ambersons" and some other REAL movies, they decided to list him first in the credits. You gotta feel sorry for the guy being stuck in ultra-low budget crap like this and "This Stuff'll Kill Ya" at the end of his once promising career.My favorite bad scene in the film? The one where the Egyptian slave attacks the guard to save the dumb blonde's life. The blonde just stands there as this happens and even does nothing when the stabbed guard then strangles the slave! Talk about ingratitude!! Other great bad scenes are the "magic chalkboard" and the ranting and raving of the scientist--rarely have I ever seen any actor chew that much scenery.Overall, it's a terrible movie in most every way. Understandably, most people who made this film never went on to do much of anything else. The film is bad, but perhaps silly enough to excite a few bad movie buffs.
Bucs1960 This film has to be seen to be believed. A post-war Nazi physicist who is exploring the concept of time travel to bring back Adolph Hitler, sets up his laboratory in a farmhouse in Texas!!! What happened to hiding out in South America with the rest of the gang? To add insult to injury, he manages to kidnap a majorette(!) the day before the big game. This really ticks off the local police, led by an aging Tim Holt whose star was sinking fast. Also involved in the investigation is a reporter and a nightclub singer (??!!!). They must take on the band of evil henchmen, which consists of 2 or 3 heel clicking guys and a slave girl from somewhere in the past. And if you can believe it, it goes downhill from there.The reason to even consider watching this horror, is for the joy of seeing Jack Herman as the unapologetic Nazi. This is a man who at one time worked in the Yiddish Theater, a proving ground for such stars as Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson. His performance can be summed up in one word......ludicrous. Flailing arms, rolling eyes, clenching fists....unbelievable!! I am not familiar with Mr. Herman but I have to believe that he did not use this type of emoting in the Yiddish Theater. This was near the end of his life and possibly he was failing in health. Whatever the reason, it is the type of performance that hasn't been witnessed since. It is for this alone that I recommend this film for the bad movie buff. You will love it!!!!
Robert Bob Kelly I was honored to play Dectective Laskey in this Yesterday Machine movie. Tim Holt was a true professional to put up with a bunch of local Dallas actors and even thou this is a typically Bad Science Fiction movie-- for the time, it is OK to watch. The reason I am writing this today is I just found my VHS copy of the movie and made a DVD of it for my own restoration and to have something to play for my Grandkids. Actually, the quality of the DVD turned out pretty good even thou the VHS is quite old. I had a recording studio in Dallas, Texas at the time of the shooting of this movie and most of the interior scenes were done in the back rooms of my studio---sets built for the dungeons, and the time machine locations, etc. All of the music was recorded at my Studio with the Nick Nicklas band doing the playing. All in All-----it is a really good example of a Bad Sci-fi 1960's movie and worth the watch----if you can find a copy. I'm glad I have one and now a DVD that will last for a few more years.