The X from Outer Space
The X from Outer Space
PG | 01 January 1968 (USA)
The X from Outer Space Trailers

The spaceship AAB-Gamma is dispatched from FAFC headquarters in Japan to make a landing on the planet Mars and investigate reports of UFOs in the area. As they near the red planet, they encounter a mysterious UFO that coats the ship's hull with unusual spores. Taking one of the specimens back to earth, it soon develops and grows into a giant chicken-lizard-alien monster that tramples Japan.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Hitchcoc This is like every Japanese monster movie you've ever seen. A space flight to Mars encounters a giant pie (honestly, they call it a flying saucer, but it looks like one of those Mrs. Richardson's pies before it's baked). The pie sends out little meteors that attach themselves to the ship. In attempting to remove these, they take one as a sample. The thing eats its way out of the ship and goes to earth where it hatches into a sort of Godzilla thing with a head that looks like a garden trowel. It is apparent;y made of some stupid element which then becomes its name. The rest is the usual search for a way of stopping the dumb looking thing. The conclusion is almost impossible to sit through. The characters are too stupid to ever man a spaceship to Mars. One of them is an idiot who has nearly killed people in the past with his carelessness. Don't bother!
Scarecrow-88 Doomed space voyages from Japan to reach Mars are continually interrupted by a mysterious UFO which resembles a meat pie. We follow the space shuttle crew of AAB-Gamma as they attempt to try once more to reach Mars..but, such as the other voyages before them, the crew encounter the same UFO which endangers them by leaving "emitted clouds of vapor". This "vapor" leaves their ship at half-power without the ability to accelerate at full thrust or a navigational system. They collect a mysterious luminous object from their outer hull, vacuum sealing it in a canister for further study. Receiving fuel from their moon base nearby, the crew return to Earth retreating from their flight plan to Mars. Inside the object they collected is an alien life form which is so heated it escapes through the canister, table, and floor released into the atmosphere and growing at an alarming rate. The rubber-suited monster appears as some sort of reptilian chicken dinosaur hungry for atomic energy and rampaging throughout Japan, wiping out cities or objects that stand in it's path looking for food to sustain it's enormous appetite. We follow the exploits of the AAB-Gamma crew, their bosses at FAFC Aronautics, and Japanese military as they decide how to stop this creature from continuing it's murderous reign of terror. It seems the only feasible explanation in understanding how to combat this seemingly indestructible monster is focusing on what kept him at bay for so long in space to begin with..testing the remains of the shell he escaped from to begin with just might hold the answers they seek.Lots of models are destroyed by this rubber-suited monstrosity during the film..there's no way you can enjoy this flick by taking it at all seriously. The premise is beyond absurd and weird, but there's a lot of enjoyment in store for those who can tune out the silly story. Poor cast really try to sell this picture regardless of the material. The monster itself is hilarious. Goofy, mindless fun.
TheUnknown837-1 The X from Outer Space (why is the monster called an "X", what is an "X" in terms of monsters?) is a pretty dumb low-budget Japanese monster movie. What this movie, and many others like it, fail to recognize is that they can't be like Godzilla since they don't put much character and story development into it (like there was in the first Godzilla film). The X from Outer Space features a weird alien monster called Guilala and it looks pretty freaky and weird, like some kind of a child's play toy. Its roar suits it, but if you ask me, it's too simple. The creature's theme is just the same thing repeating over and over again, but it does seem to help the entertainment of Guilala's attacks somewhat more. Another fake thing about this movie is the military weapons. They are all more than obviously plastic toys (even faker than those used in the early Godzilla films). The missiles on the rocket launchers are obviously like like 4th of July things, they spark at the end and then abruptly shoot off. This movie would have probably been better if there wasn't so much human parts put into the story. Most of the screen is taken up by the bad acting (which I really don't mind), and the even worse tract of English dubbing. Overall, The X from Outer Space is a pretty dumb Japanese monster movie and an obvious Godzilla and Gamera want-to-be.
MaxZorin ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Where to begin? This film has it all. First we have the crazy 60s era costumes and sets (far out). Then the crazy dubbing over the Japanese voices, which is hilarious. Just listen to when they identify the ship "AA B GAMMA... AA B GAMMA!" There's also the scenes on the moon with the nearly visible trampolines with people in space suits jumping merely up and down. Classic.But then, like an hour into the movie, the real treat. GUILALA arrives on the scene.When GUILALA (pronounce gee la la, with little emphasis on the g sound) arrives on Earth, all hell breaks lose. This space chicken from hell sure packs a punch. He lays waste to the whole Japanese air defense force (one plane smacks him square in the face and he keeps on going). His fire ball breath is a riot, especially when he hits the one plane *directly* above him perfectly. He does a lot of cool stuff including absorb nuclear energy and transform in a large energy ball that can set cities on fire (sparing a few neighborhoods however).GUILALA should have had his own series as GODZILLA and GAMERA have had. He's got power, charisma, and a certain cheesy charm with those glowing red eyes and silly antenna bobbing up and down. I love the little guy's roar too. (RRRrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaRR!!!)Along with my friend Stephanie, I felt really sad for poor GUILALA in the end....*** SPOILERS!!! *** DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER *** SPOILERS!!! ***...they defeat GUILALA using a rare material known as "Guilalium", which blocks GUILALA's main drive; it stops the flow of energy. Using some remaining jets, the Japanese Defense Air Force literally bukkakes the mighty monster into his small, harmless spore form. This movie marks the first bukkake scene in history.GUILALA is then launched into space as a spore. Sadly, when the end credits roll, you too will feel bad for the little guy. Hopefully we may see a remake or sequel down the road, but since this was made in 1967, the chances are slim.Note that GUILALA isn't the only "space chicken" seen in kaiju (giant monster) movies. GODZILLA's foe GIGAN is also a space chicken, although GIGAN came later and he had cybernetic enhancements such as a chest buzz saw.Pray for an American DVD release for "THE X FROM OUTER SPACE" because it is only available on DVD as an import.GUILALA, "THE X FROM OUTER SPACE" is truly a kaiju classic and it's a lot of fun to watch with a group of friends. Give it a whirl.GUILALA had earned the right to be recognized among Monster Island legends GODZILLA, RODAN, MOTHRA, KING GHIDORAH, GAMERA, and GYAOS! ALL HAIL GUILALA!