The Wild Women of Wongo
The Wild Women of Wongo
| 01 January 1958 (USA)
The Wild Women of Wongo Trailers

On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They also discover that a tribe of evil ape men live on the island, too, and the ape men are planning a raid on the tribe in order to capture mates.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
soulexpress Set some 10,000 years ago, this is the story of two tropical villages, Wongo and Goona. On Wongo, the women are gorgeous and the men ugly. On Goona, it's just the opposite. Each is unaware of the other's existence until what we're told is a vicious tribe of ape men (we only see two) invades the island. At that point, the Wongans and the Goonies form an alliance, which leads to the good-looking men and women hooking up, as do the ugly men and women. As the film ends, each character looks directly at the camera and winks—so awkwardly, you'd think they had never winked before. There's also an insufferable talking macaw who keeps commenting on the action (for lack of a more fitting word to describe what happens). The opening credits proclaim that the film is in Pathecolor. No idea what that is (and I'm too lazy to Google it), but it seems to mean that the blue and green hues are by far the most dominant. The stilted dialogue features chestnuts like, "Ocko brings you the kill. It is good. His father will buy you tonight." And of course, the actors delivering those lines all stink to high heaven.If anything here is worth seeing, it is the undeniably gorgeous Wongo maidens. I especially got a kick out of the dance ritual to their dragon god (actually an alligator). Their wild gyrations and lascivious facial expressions were truly a sight to behold! Honestly, though, it disturbed me that I felt such lust for women who are now either dead or in their eighties. Also, the film was shot in Florida's Coral Castle, whose scenery is just breathtaking. Does water that clean even exist anymore? Item: Though the film is set in the tropics, the characters are all white.Item: As always occurs in these films, the "prehistoric" women all wear make-up and have perfectly coiffed hair.Item: Though the men of Wongo are supposed to be ugly, they differ from the men of Goona only in that they have body and facial hair (and really not all that much).Item: A Wongo maiden fights for her life against an alligator that seems heavily sedated.Item: Once they are no longer a convenient plot device, the "invading" ape men disappear with nary a mention.Item: The King of Wongo violently opposes the wedding of Wongan women to Goona men. However, like the ape men, he disappears from the film as soon as his presence is no longer convenient.
Rainey Dawn Mother Nature and Father Time decided to create Wongo a long time ago. Wongo has 2 groups: 1st group is of nothing but beautiful women. 2nd group is a couple days walk away and consists of brute men and ugly women. Mother Nature narrates the story of what happened.So there are some cute prehistoric women wearing a lot of make-up and their hair is fixed just perfectly with lots of hairspray. There are plain-jane women and ugly guys. OH and some parrots rolling around doing stupid pet tricks. Everybody runs around doing stupid things while saying their lame lines. The End.The film really is not worth the father time to watch. You'd be better off walking outside to view mother nature and birds flying instead of rolling around. Yes this film is a true dud.1/10
mark.waltz Colorful but silly, this is one of those outrageous cheap films that has a lot going for a delightful piece of trash! A cast of actors whose careers could be described as "never was" give hilariously bad performances with long dark haired women holding onto their hair as if they were shrouds. Tropical birds act as a Greek chorus and weak fat men act as comedy relief.White sandy islands are over abundant in this paradise of horny women searching for companionship. But be careful of what you wish for in the wilds of Wongo, and a battle between muscular strangers and equally determined ape men go after them with vigor and determination. I think somebody transfered the script from the brain of the squawking parrot because it really is a bird-brained idea in the first place. There is something about a couple of the bad actors playing the muscular natives which makes me think that they were more interested in each other rather than the women. Speaking each line as if it was recited from a Dick and Jane book, they are deliciously bad. This is up there with the best of the worst of Ed Wood's films and that on its own makes this worth watching.
bensonmum2 When you're writing about a movie as brutally bad as The Wild Women of Wongo, going through an elaborate plot description seems somehow completely unnecessary. So, very briefly, the movie is about the tribe of Wongo where the women are beautiful, but the men aren't. They meet the Goona tribe where the men are beautiful, but he women aren't. It doesn't take a clairvoyant to see where this is headed. Throw in some of the worst acting imaginable, a sub-plot about ape men that goes nowhere, a laughably ridiculous dance sequence, and a parrot so annoying you'll want to strangle the nearest ornithologist and you've got The Wild Women of Wongo. If it all wasn't so laughably bad I would call it one of worst movies I've ever seen.Fortunately for me, I saw the new DVD from The Film Crew. If you're not familiar with The Film Crew, it's sort of like Mystery Science Theater 3000 - eight years removed. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett are back at it, riffing really bad movies. The Wild Women of Wongo is their third release as The Film Crew (Hollywood After Dark and Killers from Space being the first two) and easily the most funny. It's often as funny as some of the best stuff the guys did on MST3K. So, while I've only rated The Wild Women of Wongo a 2/10, I'll give The Film Crew commentary a 4/5 on my MST3K rating scale.