The Wasp Woman
The Wasp Woman
R | 29 August 1995 (USA)
The Wasp Woman Trailers

Janice Starlin is an aging model who owns a cosmetics company. When a researcher experimenting with wasps brings her a serum that will turn back the aging process, she decides to first try it on herself. The serum works, but it also turns her into a killer wasp woman.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
udar55 This was part of a series of Showtime produced remakes of Roger Corman classics. I don't know if the world was clamoring for a remake of WASP WOMAN but we got it. Jennifer Rubin stars as the owner of a cosmetics company who starts to depend on the experimental work of an discredited doctor (Daniel J. Travanti) in order to maintain her youth. Hey, that is the exact same plot as CATWOMAN! Only this cost about $84 million less. Director Jim Wynorski fares well enough with this entry in his extensive filmography. The movie is filled with bad acting (most notably from Rubin), cheesy effects and bad dialogue. But it moves fast enough, contains plenty of nudity (courtesy of Maria Ford) and features some B-acting greats (Gerrit Graham, Jay Richardson). And, at the very least, you get to see Emmy award winner Travanti get attacked by a big wasp that used to be his pet cat.
papafain Other commentators are way to lenient with remakes of old, cheap, drive-in movie fare. Why do a remake that is even more cheesy than the original? Jennifer Rubin is not nearly good-looking enough (at any of the ages attempted in this film) for this role, not to mention that I confess that I spoke too soon in my comments on the remake of Not of This Earth regarding ridiculously skinny actresses. Like that movie the sets got worse as the movie progressed until some of the scenes looked like they were filmed inside a big packing box. The idea that drives this story is not very good to begin with and warranted no remake, unless as part of a general spoof of the 50's/60's cheap SF phenomenon. My advice is: if you see this movie on the rental shelf, keep walking. Roger Corman has had a long career and I presume he is very rich but he has pretty much been a synonym for fairly bad, low-budget movies. His real claim to fame is the number of careers he has launched for makers of better movies.
pochiquilla There is a long list of movies that should never have been made. Congo, 200 Cigarettes, Cool World, My Blue Heaven, Eye of the Beholder to name a few, and alas, Wasp Woman. This movie was beyond bad. I could have done better with a ten year old Camcorder, a fifth grade drama class, and a shoebox diorama. I'm all for campy films that appeal to my sense of goofy, but this film tried to pass itself off as legit. My husband and I watched it on late-night cable and scarily enough, found ourselves unable to turn it off. We were just so amazed at the horrible acting, wretched makeup (drawing lines with an eye pencil on Jennifer Rubin's face does not an aging woman make), ridiculous "special" effects, and lack of continuity. In one scene, the receptionist is walking down a hallway. She has straight hair. When she opens the door and sits down outside, she has very curly hair. Bad. But, if you want to watch a complete no-brainer, this is for you!
movies2u The Wasp Woman (1995)I was up late one night, and The Wasp Woman was on TV. It was from Roger Corman, so I thought why not. It wasn't exactly a waste of time, and was entertaining. It is about a lady who is beginning to get to old to model for her skincare company, so she resorts to Dr. Zinthorp, who has a creation made of wasp DNA that reverses the aging process. She tests it on herself, and it begins to have some crazy side effects. The monster effects are cheesy and cheap, but it isn't too bad of a movie. I give it a 7 out of 10.