Angel of H.E.A.T.
Angel of H.E.A.T.
R | 01 July 1983 (USA)
Angel of H.E.A.T. Trailers

A mad scientist uses an army of androids and a device that can disintegrate metal to try to steal microchips containing top secret information. The government dispatches a beautiful female agent to stop him.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
kidslick One very funny,sexy movie. Miss Chambers is as beautiful as always, it's nice to see an adult film actress that takes her looks and career professionally. And Mary Woronov at 40 looking 15 years at least younger holds her own with Marilyn this was my first time seeing Miss Woronov and have been a die-hard fan since. The movie is pure escapism, just fun nothing to be taken seriously. My only issues are I can't find an affordable copy that is as clear and in focus and maybe it's just me but the way it was cut it gave me the impression that there was an X-Rated version that was cut down to an R-Rating, the mud wrestling scene in particular but still a very watchable and still very sexy movie. So as hard as I've looked for it (no pun intended) it has to be an amazing film.
gridoon2018 "Angel of H.E.A.T" begins well, with a James Bond-style title song and title sequence, featuring a naked Marilyn Chambers practicing karate! Unfortunately, it's (mostly) downhill from there. Chambers, with her ultra-fit, muscled body (think Jessica Biel), would seem a likely candidate to build a low-budget action franchise around, and indeed a title card at the start, "The Protectors, Book #1", suggests that some sequels might have been intended. Of course, none were ever made, and it's not hard to see why. The film is often dull, and has barely any action. Most of the running time is taken up by talk, (welcome) nudity, and (not as welcome) attempts at campy comedy. There is just one big laugh -> the villain: "You will be the first sacrifice of virgins to the almighty Albert" - Marilyn: "This guy is REALLY out of touch"! Even Mary Woronov as a bisexual nymphomaniac, Gerald Okamura as a German (!) martial arts instructor, and lengthy female mud wrestling footage, cannot enliven this film enough. The "H.E.A.T" is lukewarm at best. ** out of 4.
stmichaeldet Way back when I was a wee lad, in the early days of cable television, Angel of H.E.A.T was a late-night staple of the newborn industry. My young mind was sent reeling by the possibilities of a sexually-charged action film starring an ex-pornstar, but my family didn't have cable at the time, and all I could do was read the TV listings and dream. Many years have gone by since then, but I never got around to seeing Angel until now. While it certainly doesn't live up to my pubescent imaginings (what could?), I was pleasantly surprised to find it a fairly clever, campy, playful romp.The story is actually pretty solid - Mark and Samantha are government agents concerned about the activities of a vigilante group called the Protectors, and are also looking into the theft of top-secret microchips from a big defense contractor. The Protectors are also on the trail of the thieves, sending their agent, Angel Harmony, to put a stop to it. Paths cross, agents, vigilantes, and androids are thrown together, occasional light coupling takes place, and eventually the two groups team up to take on the villain.But don't expect this movie to take itself seriously. The whole film is tinged with a borscht-belt wackiness which occasionally breaks out into full-blown vaudeville, well-timed to pick up the slack, keep the movie entertaining, and move it along smoothly.
Derek Ho Combining Marilyn Chambers and Mary Woronov into one film was a great idea. Woronov is one of the most underrated actresses in modern times. She's pretty funny when she wants to be and she's really got a killer body. The whole story is sort of convoluted like most of the 70s & 80s spy films. Other than Chambers and Woronov, the rest of the cast is full of period character actors and X-rated film stars doing some mainstream on their weekend off. There's lots of silly intrigue and excuses for Marilyn and Mary to take off their clothes. Maybe it should be a classic now that I think of it. It's out now and DVD and definitely worth watching.