The Vampire
The Vampire
NR | 14 June 1957 (USA)
The Vampire Trailers

A small town doctor mistakenly ingests an experimental drug made from the blood of vampire bats which transforms the kindly medic into a bloodthirsty monster.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Wizard-8 I have a feeling that some people who sit down to watch "The Vampire" will feel a little let down, at least when it comes to the movie's promise of delivering horror. It takes a long time for the first genuine moment of horror to come, and there are not that many moments of horror in the entire film! Also, while the movie runs an economical 76 minutes long, it does feel a little padded here and there. On the other hand, the movie does have its share of merit despite those shortcomings. The acting by all the participants is pretty decent; they manage to make their characters pretty convincing. And while the movie was done on a low budget, it never looks particularly cheap or tacky. The most interesting thing about the movie, however, is that the whole vampire plot can be seen as a parable for drug addiction, a topic that was still somewhat taboo when this movie was made. So if you can adjust your expectations so that you don't expect a lot of horror, this movie has some genuine interest.
Scott LeBrun A different spin on the classic vampire tale as well as a truly wonderful lead performance make this more than just your typical low budget genre picture of the time. Like many other movies of its kind, its script is talky for a while (and has a pretty fantastic premise), but it also has a solid and engaging horror quotient. The film can boast one stalking sequence and one murder set piece that are both reasonably effective.This viewer is partial to any movie featuring either Kenneth Tobey or Dabbs Greer, and since they're both here, that just makes "The Vampire" all the more enjoyable. John Beal has the starring role of Dr. Paul Beecher, a kindly physician who gets messed up when he mistakenly ingests some experimental regression-inducing pills instead of his normal migraine pills. The result: he mutates into a primal being (his makeup, however, is more suggestive of a werewolf than a vampire) that must kill. And, unfortunately, Paul finds that the pills are much too addictive.Beal is indeed excellent, delivering a heartfelt performance as the good man overcome by a dangerous force. You genuinely feel for this character, and fear for those close to him. Tobey is a delight as the perplexed heroic detective who aggressively pursues Paul's young nurse Carol (gorgeous Coleen Gray). In addition to Greer, the supporting cast is good and includes Lydia Reed as Paul's daughter, Herb Vigran as a cop, Paul Brinegar as a coroner, and the scene stealing James Griffith as an eccentric researcher.Up to par are the makeup effects devised by Donald W. Roberson, the appropriately flashy music score composed by Gerald Fried, and the crisp black & white photography by Jack MacKenzie.Overall, a satisfying little movie that clocks in at a tight 77 minute running time.Screenwriter Pat Fielder, producers Arthur Gardner & Jules V. Levy, and director Paul Landres reunited the following year for "The Return of Dracula".Seven out of 10.
LeonLouisRicci More unseen than underrated, this is a well acted Movie that is odd and quite engaging. A misleading Title because it has little to do with typical Vampire lore. This is a chemically induced modern incarnation of the Myth that can be read as a take on Drug Addiction as much as anything is at times heartbreaking, and manages to be unconventional and empathetic. Suffering from a low-budget it emerges from the restraint by believable Characters and effective suspense. The Creep Factor is present throughout and the fine Cast rises above this throw-away Movie and delivers a surprising realism that is not usually found in this type of Product.A forgotten and until recently hard to find Film, it deserves a look for its offbeat and sincere attempt to make this much more than it should have been.
sol1218 (There are Spoilers)Delivering a package to the very overworked Dr. Campball's , Wood Romoff, lab Tommy the delivery boy, Brad Morrow, finds the doctor unconscious and on the brink of death. Running to get help Tommy gets the towns kindly and understanding doctor Beecher,John Beal, and he sadly declarers Dr. Campbell dead from a sudden heart-attack.While in the late Dr. Campbell's laboratory Dr. Beecher fools around with his latest experiment with regressing his subjects, bats and mice's, and unknowingly picks up a bottle of the doctor's regression pills. Back home suffering for brain-twisting migraines Dr. Beecher is given his headache pills by his 12 years old daughter Besty,Lydia Reed, as he suffers his latest attack and she gives her dad the wrong bottle; the regression instead of the headache pills that in fact was the cause of Dr. Campball's sudden death. It soon becomes apparent, to everyone but Dr. Beecher, that he's becoming a changed man. Changing from a man who was kind loving and caring to a violent savage who craves for human blood attacking his victims and infecting them with capillary disintegration after he bites them, but doesn't suck out their blood, in the neck.More like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of movie then anything that has to with with a vampire like it's title indicates "The Vampire" has poor and confused Dr. Beecher run around town killing people wherever his regression pills start to lose their effect on him. Needing his regression pills to keep him from going insane and becoming homicidal, as well as dead like Dr. Campbell, the doctor is torn between a rock and a hard place in walking the thin red line of sanity and insanity that the regression pills put him on.Soon the local cop Sheriff Buck Donnelly, Kenneth Tobey, starts to get suspicious of just what Dr. Beecher is all about, this after a number of his patients and associates end up dead. Dr. Beecher himself finally realizes that theirs something very wrong upstairs, in his troubled head, and in is own crazy way tries to correct it; by killing himself.Dr. Beecher is caught in the act at his doctors office by his nurse Carol Butler (Coleen Gray), who's very much in love with her widower and handsome boss, as he's trying to stick himself with a syringe loaded with a fatal solution of deadly chemicals. Both embarrassed and outraged at being exposed for the nut-case that he is, the doctor wanted to die with his secret life kept secret, he goes totally bananas, like the crazed doctor in the similar movie "the Neanderthal Man", chasing Carol outside into the woods in his attempt to murder her. Sheriff Donnally who by now had Dr. Beecher's number, in that he's the one who's been murdering people in town, rushes to the scene in order to both save Carol from Dr. Beecher and the doctor from himself by having him put away, in a mental institution, to be studied and, if possible, cured.Not wanting to be taken alive, being what he is what does he have to live for anyway, Dr. Beecher puts up a furious fight and just when it seems that he got the better of the brave but totally helpless lawman Sheriff Donnelly's assistant Sgt. Ryan, Herb Vigran, shows up and puts an end to Dr. Beechers reign of terror by emptying his gun into him.