The Valdemar Legacy
The Valdemar Legacy
R | 22 January 2010 (USA)
The Valdemar Legacy Trailers

Luisa Llorente, an expert on taxation of old buildings, had recently gone to the Victorian mansion Valdemar to conduct an inventory of property ownership. After she mysteriously disappeared, Maximilian, president of her company, engaged the services of a private detective to help find her. But soon they will discover that it is not the first disappearance at Valdemar mansion!

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Blake Rivera If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
kosmasp You could be forgiven thinking this is a TV movie of the week two parter (this one being part 1 of course). But the movie begins quite strong. The actors seem to really get behind the concept and the mystery is building slowly, but in a good way.Of course this being only half the experience means that some characters are just being introduced more or less, so you can see where they will take this with part 2. The late great Paul Naschy is one of the better known actors in this, though don't expect his role to be big (especially considering the age he was when he shot it). For fans of his work this oddity will work, but some may think he should have had a better "farewell" movie. As it is, the movie does fail to live up to its good beginning.
MrAlfa A good movie, at least according to this first part. It is important to know that it is the first part of two. Thing that perhaps those who wrote negative reviews did not have in mind. Maybe not Academy Awards actors, but the acting is good. Also good plot, photography and the overall atmosphere. An hour and a half of nice entertainment, a funny and well told tale , which leaves you with the desire to see the continuation. Well, maybe not worth the eight stars that I gave, but it was the only way to rise a bit the average. And in the end it is worth not less than seven. Let's hope that the second part is valid and will not disappoint the expectations.
Ki Ageng Gurubesar I did not expect a lot from a Spanish movie, but this one is really a waste of time. The story start of with modern time, but somewhere in the middle, it transferred the time zone into the past. I guess the idea was to give a background information, but very unfortunate, the movie itself consist mainly of the background information and completely forget about the present story at the beginning of the movie. At one point of time, I was even expecting a Harry Potter part coming out from the past. And then when you started to enjoy the story, they decided that the movie is long enough and cut the story short and leaving you with more question....
Luis Capote "La Herencia Valdemar (Valdemar's Heritage) is the first of a two-part story based on tale written by H. P. Lovecraft. It's the last picture of Spanish actor Paul Naschy whom career is linked to terror (specially with his classical character "Waldemar Daninsky". It is a very good film, with many topics of Cthulhu stories but in the good side. Film has two parts, one in present time, when the character of Silvia Abascal has to make a study about the value of an ancient mansion (Valdemar House); the second one is in the 19th century, and explains the origin of the mansion. There are many little things for smiling, as the names of some minor characters or the handle of the staff of Eusebio Poncela character. An interesting point is the fact that the film had no public money, a good exception in Spanish cinema. Secuel of the film is now in post-production.
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