The Thing Called Love
The Thing Called Love
PG-13 | 27 August 1993 (USA)
The Thing Called Love Trailers

A group of newcomers to the country music business seek love and stardom.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
davidsawyer-me This movie was cheesy and terrible. Boring dialog, cliché' premise, over used boy meets girl dialog, etc. This is one of those painful week end movies that TV networks use as filler. I hate it when I don't have week end plans and I get bored and I turn on the TV only to find this sort of boring chick flick junk. And don't get me wrong, once in a while us guys like to watch a chick flick sort of movie but this wasn't even good. Now that said I'd have to say that if you don't mind a cliché' low key & rather boring film to pass the time away then this is good for you. Or if you are perhaps some middle-school girl that's not into action and don't mind bland watered down dialog and bad scripting. Not to mention deadpan boring acting then this is probably more for you. I think TV plays movies like this on the week end so that people get so bored they leave their homes and apartments to go shopping or out to see a real movie. I was going to give this the lowest score possible but I gave it a 3 out of 10 only in that I can see that there is a group of people that might like this movie to pass the time away, must like someone may look at a poorly painted static painting on the wall in a waiting room.
secondtake The Thing Called Love (1993)Whatever happened to Peter Bogdanovich? He directed several really deeply felt, nostalgia filled, honest films in the late 60s early 70s. But he had some duds, too, and that seems to be his long term groove, as if he was more comfortable loving movies (he's a buff, an historian, an insider critic) than making them. This one has the stuff for a heart-tugging drama filled with Americana, but it is slow, downright clumsy at times, and improbable.The latter is fine, of course--it's a fiction movie--but it wants to seem real, too, not fantastic. It depends too much on pretty people, so that's false, but these pretty people are trying to make it in Nashville as singer-songwriters, which is a fantasy after all, so who knows? The marriage in the mini-super market is pretty great, I have to admit.What works best, oddly enough (but no surprise), is Sandra Bullock, who plays her part with conviction. The music is supposed to be amateur and downright bad, but it's not bad enough to laugh at (and not good enough to enjoy). A bad spot in the middle. But then there's River Phoenix. Who knew he could actually play? Ah, but some plot is in order, something beyond the obvious. It's supposed to be a dream come true or something, but it just holds no water. If you love country music, there's something here, the general scene, the background, but that's not enough.
fierypoeticgirl Okay...Well...Ummm...I really don't know what to say. River Phoenix looked BAD in this film, so I'll always try to remember his "brighter" days such as when he did the movie, "Running on Empty." I know how hard it is for people to watch this flick and think highly of it, but everyone should really know what a musical genius River was. I also found it ironic that Johnny Cash was singing in the background in this film a couple of times, and then years later, River's own brother portrays Cash! Very strange, folks, but bitter-sweet.I loved some of the music, and especially the song, "Bad Dreams" sung by Samantha. I want to know the lyrics to this song, but when I look for them, they are nowhere to be found. I wonder if anyone ever did remake this song. It has such powerful lyrics, and I love the melody.When my 13-year-old daughter saw River, she said, "Wow; he had Johnny Depp's high cheekbones, and a touch of Leonardo's style with Kevin Bacon's nose. What perception! It's just all so sad that he had to follow the Hollywood crowd by taking too many drugs. (Ironic that he died just outside of Depp's nightclub.) Also, if I were Sandra, I'd stay as far away from parts that call for singing as I could. She's an incredible actress, but she needs to just sing while she's alone or in the shower! Dermont used more emotion in this film than an anything else I've ever seen him in. That was surprising. Let's keep him away from the mic too! Anyway, I know my comment does not cover any of the plot, but there was not a whole lot of depth to it. It's too bad it was the last movie River did before his untimely death. I bet the cast felt horrible when they found out. I do believe he was headed for bigger things with his acting and music, but we'll never know now... unfortunately.
bday55 Man, not even the lure of good looking babes and music could save this flea-ridden dog. Its my 4th sitting and I still can't get thru it. If I paid to see it in a theater I'd want my money back. The blonde in this movie is making me contemplate a new gay lifestyle. Gad, I wouldn't marry her if Donald Trumps life depended on it. Please bypass this cinematic fertilizer and go read the Daily News or The NY Post. I can't find anything redeeming about this flick. I want my money back from Blockbuster. Why do I need 10 lines to post this? Sandra Bullock has this bad fake southern accent that never quite makes it. I'm still wondering what this movie is about.