Star Spangled Banners
Star Spangled Banners
| 29 June 2013 (USA)
Star Spangled Banners Trailers

Ten years following the breakup of the family band, The Banner Project, siblings Desiree, Johnny, and Mitchel Banner, are faced with the decision to reunite in order to save their home town from bankruptcy.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Harriet Deltubbo In their late teens and early 20s, the Banner siblings made it big as a rock group. But at the height of their fame, Desiree decided to leave the group, and everything fell apart. Fast forward years later and this is where it's at in this movie. Are there annoying things in this movie? Yes, like the overdone characters. But the movie has enough to keep you entertained and the directing and cinematography are well done. And you better believe that all the characters struggle against a system that has perpetuated falsehoods. From an artistic standpoint, there were some plot elements and character developments I didn't think were totally needed. Overall rating: 7/10.
sdquinn2-1 I sat through this movie with my wife trying to be sociable. You guys know what it is like, not much going on, spending time with the family. That being said, I knew going in that any movie on the Hallmark Channel is going to be a chick flick, but I was not ready for this. This has to be the mother of all chick flicks. Every second I watched this movie, I could feel my testicles shrinking. The premise is that the mother of a girl and 2 boys wants them to come back to the old hometown, so she fakes a heart attack. The mother just happens to be the mayor of this town. When they all get back to the hometown, naturally someone has to take her place while she is in bed. Mother also needs some flowers planted in her flower bed. Take a guess who she sends to be the Mayor and who she tells to go plant flowers. If you did not say the sons planting flowers and the daughter running the city, you have not been watching enough of the Hallmark Channel. So, this being Hallmark, naturally the daughter/substitute mayor falls for a handsome lawyer who is trying to bankrupt the city. The final insult to all red blooded males is when the daughter goes to the lawyer's house late at night. Does macho, macho, man ask the daughter if she wants to slam back a few vodkas? No, the first words out of his mouth was "I am making some tea, do you want a cup"? I immediately began to search for a book to read for the rest of the movie. Bluntly put, if your pair are on your chest you will love this movie. But if you have a pair a little lower, this will be the worst movie you have ever seen.
amanda scott This movie is centered around a few things: one is family, two is the Fourth of July, and the third is music. Hallmark is known for its romance movies but I do have to say I was a little disappointed in the romance of this movie. I mean one brother like the guitar store lady and the girl likes the lawyer. They all basically go on a date to the concert and after they sing none of them even kiss. The closes thing we saw to make us think that maybe they were going to get together was a hug and the lawyer told the main girl that he liked her. I mean if it's ganna be a hallmark movie I expect a kiss in there somewhere. This movie was a good change of pace for hallmark it taught family values. This is a movie that is good for all ages. And the music is really good. The main girl is from American idol and she has also acted in a few things she plays the role well. This character could have easily been over played or under played and she did a good job at playing the crazy parts well.
HallmarkMovieBuff In typical Hallmark movie fashion, there's conflict followed by redemption. Here, Mayor Mom (Mercedes Ruehl) pulls a fast one in an attempt to prevail upon her children, a former music trio known as the Banner Project, but now estranged for a decade, to save their hometown, along with the family's relationships. Christian Campbell is given top billing, but Brooke White, insofar as one can discover, is the only professional musician in the group, having been a fifth place finalist on American Idol, now with several albums under her belt. I enjoyed the music enough that I bumped my rating of the move up one notch, and even bought the 4-track soundtrack EP (released under the U.S. title for the movie, "Banner 4th of July".)