The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
| 01 March 1978 (USA)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice Trailers

Krabat, a beggar boy, is lured to become an apprentice to an evil, one-eyed sorcerer. With a number of other boys, he works at the sorcerer's mill while learning black magic. Every Christmas one of the boys has to face the master in a magical duel, where the boy never stands a chance because the master is the only person who is allowed to use a secret spell: The Koraktor.

Steineded How sad is this?
HeadlinesExotic Boring
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
marpac Unbelievable story, excellent animation, treasure of cinematography.. What more to say?I am actually happy I didn't have a chance to see this movie when I was a kid, because I would not be able to sleep for very very long time.. Sooo scary and dark, so much of fear, and I don't remember when last time I felt so helpless while watching a is not another naive fairy-tale where the Good beats the Bad somehow automatically and you are just witnessing that with smile on your face 'couse you expected that.. Easily beats most of late horror movies just by atmosphere, no special tricks needed.. recommend to everyone, you wont be disappointed.. amazing, 10 of 10, no questions asked..
chlitton I saw this movie twice in my youth. It played (both times) on Canada's French CBC channel-Radio Canada in the early 1980's. The film was shown on the (now defunct) Saturday matinée series Ciné-Famille . The film itself had been dubbed in French. To this day I can remember the film as being hauntingly beautiful, captivating, mesmerizing. Everything from the transfiguration of the Miller's disciples into Ravens, to the Master Disciple(s) having to build their own coffins before their final confrontation with the Miller. This film is a masterpiece thru and thru. Sure wish I could find a French or English copy of it. I saw it today on E-Bay, but it was the German version, no subtitles ($30 + US after shipping). I should still put a bid on it. Even a version in a foreign (to me) language is worth getting.
Arno Luyendijk (sendanor) I saw this movie on a children's program on Dutch TV when I was on basic school, I cannot remember if it was before or after 1980. What I do remember is the impact it made on me : an atmosphere that could be called "Gothic" in the Romantic sense of the word, I still cannot believe this was broadcast on TV for youths when I especially recall the hand-shaking ceremony of the master wizard, by this magically taking the new apprentice of the mill as his magical disciple. I did not know much about the Satan's pact of the popular witchcraft stories, but GOSH, that moment was creepy to the bone!!!! The exclamation of the master wizard when the young apprentice is taken into the magical brotherhood of the other young disciples "Now the mill grinds again!!" is forever engraved in my mind!! If anyone knows where this masterpiece is distributed, send me word...
favreauna I saw this movie two years ago at a Zeman retrospective in Montreal and I was amazed. Not only was the story excellent, but who could have imagined that such an old movie from Czechoslovakia could be so well animated ? This is not Pixar, but there is a true master of animation at work here. I saw a couple of other movies from Zeman, but this was the best. Cross your fingers and hope your local art house shows this movie someday.
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