The Singles Ward
The Singles Ward
PG | 30 January 2002 (USA)
The Singles Ward Trailers

When Jonathan Jordan gets divorced he's thrust back into the world of being a single Mormon - a world who's ultimate goal is eternal marriage. Struggling to fit in, Jonathan decides to stop going to church only to be pursued by the members of the local singles ward who want to reactivate him. Nothing works until Jonathan falls for Cammie Giles, the ward activities director. Suddenly, going to church becomes much more appealing, But is he going for the right reasons?

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Sammy-Jo Cervantes There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Anibas I finally saw "The Singles Ward" and, being originally from Salt Lake City, none of the "insider" jokes went over my head.First off, the star, Will Swenson, is simply adorable and I hope he does not waste his talent on so-called "Mormon Cinema." That would be a pity. That's one light that should not be hidden under a bushel.Next, I was pleased to see that the Mormon filmmakers poked a great deal of fun at themselves and their religion in this movie. E.g., naive Mormons believing that every movie star/singer/athlete is a Mormon or is taking the discussions; the reiteration of the 3 Nephite urban legends by naive RM's; the obsession of naive unmarried Mormon women to latch onto a man as fast as possible; the Jello jokes; the boring meetings, etc. They touched on a great many Mormon clichés.Mormons take themselves way too seriously and this was again addressed in the movie when the male teacher is exhorting his Sunday school class like they were a football team ... only to have the camera pan over to let us see his class is comprised of very small children... a Primary class.Quite frankly, Mormonism is pretty goofy to the rest of the world. I mean no offense by that comment but think about it: Whenever there is a reference to Mormonism in popular literature, or a TV show or a movie, it is *always* making fun of the religion. That simply is how the world perceives Mormonism, as something inherently funny.Also, the crushing conformity demanded by Mormonism was perfectly expressed at the end when our handsome, vivacious, leading man, Jonathan, gives up his dreams, his personality, his love of comedy, etc., to woo the uptight, Miss-Molly-Mormon, Cammie. The only thing Cammie would be good for is to put out fires; she's such a wet blanket.I wanted to shout at the movie, "Run, Jonathan, run! Get out of Utah!!" But, alas, young Jonathan's hormones were already stirred.The end of the movie is rather chilling when we see Jonathan in his Mormon suit uniform, vapid smile plastered on his face, sitting in church next to his brittle wife, Cammie, while he pretends that he's the happiest man alive when he really just a beat-down "Mormon Stepford Husband." All in all, I enjoyed the movie. I realize it's geared towards a narrow Mormons audience but I am sure there are other god-botherers who would enjoy this film, as well.
Ltzrace_4 I enjoyed this movie very much. I went to college at Dixie college and the single's ward I was in was so similar to the movie. Hit the nail on the head.If any of you have th chance to go see this movie I recommend it highly. Also if you have a chance visit St. George and have some people take you to the caves and play hide in seek with glow sticks, it's a unique way to play and lot of fun. Also you have to go to Cafe Rio resturaunt it is one experience you will have to try with out a doubt. I hope this comment on the movie helps you in anyway to go see this hilarious movie with which I like very much. Please don't take my word for it, go watch it and you make your call. Well enjoy the movie and have a great day.
emiajh When watching this movie it is important to remember it is NOT doctrine, it is fun! Anyone who takes it as being disrespectful to the Church or becomes offended needs to remember it is a movie. I thought this was a great movie, tons of fun. I watched it for the first time at the dollar theater in Sandy, UT and they really hit every stereotype on the nose. There are parts of the movie that are funnier if you have lived in the Salt Lake/Provo area as a member of the Church, especially as a single member of the Church over the age of 25. As much as this is not meant to offend anyone, there is some truth to how it feels. As someone who is a convert to the Church, lived in Utah, and is divorced, I can completely relate to the experience. For anyone who has not seen this, I recommend you see it and have an open mind, otherwise you will only be missing out.
mike-1762 Singles Ward is a cheaply-produced insult to the Mormon religion. It constantly mocks the morals and beliefs instilled into the youth, and attempts humor many times, and fails just as many times.The actors are all no-name nothings, especially a talentless hack named Mitch English, of Centerville, Ohio. In short, this movie is not worth the DVD it's distributed on, and serves a more useful purpose as a coaster.There is no real plot line, and the occurrences that happen in this movie are unrealistic and insulting to the Church.If you spent money for this, demand a refund.