The Sea Inside
The Sea Inside
PG-13 | 04 March 2005 (USA)
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The Sea Inside is about Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who fought a 30-year campaign to win the right to end his life with dignity. It is the story of Ramón’s relationships with two women: Julia a lawyer who supports his cause, and Rosa, a local woman who wants to convince him that life is worth living.

SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
SnoopyStyle Ramón Sampedro (Javier Bardem) became a quadriplegic and ends up battling for the right to die in Spain for 30 years. Julia (Belén Rueda) is a lawyer who helps him in this fight and they fall in love. He befriends Rosa (Lola Dueñas) with her kids. She wants him to live.It's a biopic from director Alejandro Amenábar. I love the scenes where Ramón argue with Padre Francisco. Those scenes are electric. It's a movie that needs the conflicts. Javier Bardem is stationary most of the time and it's harder to generate physical energy. He does do some imaginary sequences where he gets up and even flies. They don't really excite me as much. This movie reminds me very much of "Whose Life Is It Anyway?" I wish there are more anger and more conflicts in the movie.
ntebyanian I've been a fan of Javier Bardem ever since No Country For Old Men came out back in 2007. His presence on screen was something extraordinary and i could tell the guy knew how to act. Sea Inside is definitely a film were his talent shines. The character he plays as is a paraplegic. After an unfortunate accident, he's left paralyzed from the neck down. After so many years he decides that he's had enough and wants to attempt suicide. As he tries to find the right person to help him, we get to meet so many great characters played by many great actors/actresses. From his family to his friends, you get this emotional bond between everyone and it really makes for a real powerhouse. You will believe Bardem is paralyzed, it's so effective. He makes it seem so realistic from beginning to end. This film has a very deep and dark meaning that anyone could feel for. It'll make you cry, it'll make you laugh and it will leave you in silence. If your a fan of Javier Bardem, or your a fan of a good and solid piece of art, do your self a favor and see this movie.
Armand after its end, only poetry flavor is powerful. poetry of life. cruel, strange, fragile. from a film about the death not as menace but right.and this poetry has deep roots. a real case. a wonderful performance. beautiful images. and sound of words. so, more than adaptation of a story it is a parable as testimony about fundamental things. about sufferance and love, expectation and fight, hope as sword and pure joy not as show but as essence of days. must see it not only as one brilliant works of Bardem. but as mirror of soul. your soul. because its bitter beauty is encouraging. and safe. key for hidden emotions. cure against ambiguous fears.
billcr12 Javier Barden stars as Ramon Sampedro, a quadriplegic who fought for the right to die for twenty nine years. His lawyer, Julia, suffers from an incurable medical condition supports his choice and fights the legal system with him.Another woman, Rosa, loves him and tries to change Ramon's mind regarding suicide. Bardem is as good as any actor I have ever seen and this performance ranks with his Oscar winning role in No Country for Old Men. Ramon's brother Jose and his family make his survival possible, so he feels like he is a burden on them. The court case drags on and on, until he has reached fifty four years of age and a decision is finally reached. There are no easy answers to this moral dilemma, and The Sea Inside doesn't preach to the audience from one side or the other. Love, life, and death are tackled in a deep and insightful way with the great Javier Bardem leading the way.