The River Why
The River Why
PG-13 | 09 April 2010 (USA)
The River Why Trailers

A young man abandons his family for a solitary life of fly-fishing. His goal was to find his own way in the fishing world and thereby find himself and love.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mchambers333 I love this movie! If you're a fly fisher, great. The River Why is about much more than that. Don't review it as a Bill Dance fishing review! It's a great reminder of why we want to be outside and knee deep in the water!! It's a story of the kid we all wish we could have been.Give this movie a shot. we need another generation of kids loving the rivers of America. This movie does a lot. It wasn't a theatrical destination, but it has what we need. Watch this movie and respond.Don't think this is a fly fishing movie . . . it is not. A River Runs Through It will forever be the standard. This is a move about fishing as a means to escape.
Tony Heck "For me happiness would never be found anywhere but on the banks of a river." After a fight with his father pushes him to far, Gus (Gilford) decides to leave everything and just fish. While living in a cabin and fishing 16 hours a day he runs into Eddy (Heard) on the river and begins to rethink his life choices. I'll start by saying that this is a very good movie, but very girly. Think "River Runs Through It" but much more of a love story. The scenery is great, but unless you are a hardcore fisherman it will be tough to get through the long sequences of fishing and fly tying that are scattered throughout. The acting is great, and William Hurt does a great job even though he is only in it for a little while. This is a movie worth watching, but don't expect anything too exciting. Overall, a good movie with great acting that is much more of a love story then "River Runs Through It". I give it a B.*Also try - River Runs Through It
jeff barton First: I loved the book and still do. Read Duncan's novel, please.Second: I've lived and fished in NW Oregon (and in NE Idaho, also a location for some of the filming) and agree with those who sing praise for the beautiful cinematic qualities of much of the film.Third: Rarely do great books become great movies. This is true here. Still, given this reality, the film is good enough to watch, enjoy, ponder, discuss and watch again.Fourth: I commend the review by Hollywood Jesus (listed among critics above) which convinced me both to go see it last night and to encourage you to do the same ---
ralphiea I have lived in Portland, Oregon since 1981. Last night I viewed The River Why.I have not read the book and, in fact, may do so having now seen the film. While I don't think this is a life changing experience, I did find the movie charming and loved the cinematography and the scenery of Oregon. The actors all do a good job and the film is thoughtful. The score is also well done. Watch the credits and you will hear a lovely version of "Fishing Blues".I would definitely recommend a viewing of this heartwarming film. Again do not expect anything earthshaking here but an enjoyable time.