The Rachel Papers
The Rachel Papers
R | 12 May 1989 (USA)
The Rachel Papers Trailers

Poised to attend Oxford University, 19-year-old Charles Highway decides it's high time to have a romantic encounter with an older woman. With the help of a computer program and several eccentric relatives, Highway sets his sights on seducing Rachel Noyce, a stunning American in her 20s. However, Highway has his work cut out for him. Noyce has a boyfriend, DeForest, and is not exactly receptive to Highway's advances — at first, anyway.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
lastliberal This is an excellent movie that appears to have gotten a lot of poor reviews. The performance by Ione Skye is OUTSTANDING. Not only is she beautiful and sexy, she is an excellent actress. And, did I mention that she was beautiful and sexy? Dexter Fletcher (Layer Cake) plays a young man about to enter college who wants some experience with an older woman. He seen Ione Skye (Say Anything...) at a party and puts his step-by-step plan into place. The use of computer to record this may have been innovative at the time, but it is dated and superfluous now.Jonathon Prych (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest) play a crazy brother-in-law and really adds to the film. James Spader plays Rachel's significant other and really didn't add a thing to the film.The beautiful and sexy Skye...Oh, I already said she was beautiful and sexy; I'm getting repetitive...Well, it is 4 am and I've just spent two hours enjoying all she has to offer...really, there is no mystery left...So I'll just say that seeing her is well worth the price oft the show.
tooshyshygirl1981 My first taste of 80s movies came with the Breakfast Club and most recently I saw Donnie Darko, okay not an 80s film but a film with a plot set in 1988. The love btw the characters in Donnie Darko is nothing compared to the Rachel Papers, in fact the Rachel Papers offers a deeper sense of love, literally. Now Darko fans please don't kill me I am not comparing the films, but the love between the characters.I was led to this film after wandering the aisles at my local video store. After seeing the video cover, which featured the pair smiley on a vespa I decided to read the back of this video. The plot seemed fun and interesting, movies with nerds trying to win the girl always please me as its comical to watch them achieve their goal. I bought the video and enjoyed it, the film had it all. Laughter, shock in the initial watching, suspense if Charles would ever get the girl, and of course a sexy main lead by way of a young Dexter Fletcher. The film is excellent and it surprises me that the movie never caught on back then. A movie like that in 1989, released now in the world we live in 2004 would probably be a hit among teenagers now with the internet and everyone trying to get it on. Ah the Rachel Papers make me reminisce of love back in my early College years, it will probably make you reminisce of lost love. This film is not one to miss.
KCGrook I have found "The Rachel Papers" to be a delightful mix of young convoluted romance, bittersweet in nature, and a bit of cute comedy. I've seen the movie several times, having taped it in 1991, and find it refreshing each time I view it.I particularly enjoy the music soundtrack which I feel gives each scene its own distinctive flavor. Dexter Fletcher plays an excellent role as an egotistical yet bumbling opportunist, and Ione Skye is outstanding as the target of Dexter's amorous intentions, and is somewhat equally nebulous of mind as is Dexter.It impresses me as a free-spirited production that does not require a great deal of laborious attention on the part of the viewer, and as such is truly entertaining.
pgreyy Despite some fine performances and great source material, this movie doesn't stand up as well as I'd hoped it would. It's either too dark and serious for the comedy it hopes to be or it's too gauzy for the serious look at modern teenagers in Britain that it hopes to be.Still, it's interesting to see Dexter "did you know I was in Bugsy Malone AND Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells" Fletcher, Ione "wow, am I really this naked in this movie" Skye, Jonathon "why aren't I working more often?" Pryce and James "didn't I play this same character only with more lines in Pretty in Pink" Spader in a movie that hardly any American has ever heard of...This has its clever moments, its funny moments, its heartbreaking moments and a few moments that are meant to be (and are) disturbing... It's not as clever as its American cousin, or as funny...but it does have a bit more depth...and Ione Skye is REALLY naked in it.That's worth a rental, isn't it?