The Park Is Mine
The Park Is Mine
| 06 October 1985 (USA)
The Park Is Mine Trailers

A Vietnam vet takes forceful control of Central Park to remember those who served and died in the Vietnam War.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
WilliamFAlexander I found this movie extremely hard to watch since it lacked any semblance of a plot and it focused on the action. The music by Tangerine Dream is just over the top and further detracts from the movie experience. After 30 minutes, I fast forwarded to parts that looked promising, but was just disappointed by the continuation of the sad, sad, sad film making attempt. I finally fast forwarded to the end only to confirm that the film made absolutely no sense and is an example of movies that should never have been made in the first place.
WillCAD The idea is absurd - a Vietnam veteran who feels that Vietnam vets have been poorly treated by the country they served decides to single-handedly take control of New Yorks Central Park by force of arms as a social protest.But the vet is dyeing of cancer (courtesy of agent orange exposure during the war) and commits suicide before he can complete his plan. So instead, he leaves a long letter to his war buddy Mitch (Tommy Lee Jones), asking him to complete the plan in his place.At first, Mitch thinks the plan is as crazy as... well, as it is. But after a series of disappointing encounters with his ex-wife, his landlord, and some snotty NYPD cops, he gets angry enough to complete the plan and take over Central Park, keeping everyone out with explosive booby traps and gunfire (blanks at first) for 48 hours until Veteran's Day.The city administration is understandably upset by this action, and after a police assault to capture Mitch fails, they hire a pair of mercenaries to simply kill him.Complicating matters is an overly ambitious TV reporter (Helen Shaver) who sneaks into the park on her own to try for an interview, and a Swat team leader (Yaphet Koto) who sympathizes with Mitch but wants him out of the park as much as the administration.This movie has it all - action, suspense, drama, a few unsuspected twists, and an ending that leaves you feeling both happy and sad at the same time.Originally made for HBO in 1985, this excellent action flick has unfortunately never been released on DVD. But with so much TV being released on DVD these days, I have hope that one day soon I will be able to add The Park Is Mine to my DVD collection.
thehook Like many of the Reagan era action movies, it is rampantly xenophobic, incrediably incoherent, and in no way grounded in reality. Tommy Lee (not the hair band drummer)plays a Vet who takes over central park to generate sympathy for the forgotten soldiers of that war. A noble sentiment, but a man would have to be completely out of his gourd to attempt that...its not like the park has a series of fortified bunkers and a moat around it!!! The most insane plot twist (no one is in suspense about this piece anyway) is that the "authorities" hire two Asian assasins to take out the hero. What the $%^#$^! is that all about? It is just one of the many warped plot contrivances that earn this work a lofty six on the Tango and Cash scale of implausability. Forgive the spelling.
Bayjohn Tommy Lee Jones does his part to hold this movie together, and that's about the only thing going for it. The plot about one man taking over Central Park (!) is highly improbable, but makes for a good Saturday afternoon action flick. Don't put a lot of thought into this movie, just enjoy it for what it is!
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