The Mystery of Marie Roget
The Mystery of Marie Roget
NR | 23 April 1942 (USA)
The Mystery of Marie Roget Trailers

A detective investigates the mysterious death of a young actress.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
MartinHafer "Mystery of Marie Roget" is a sub-par B-movie from Universal. While the story purports to be from the Edgar Allan Poe story, it's really very different.When the film begins, Marie has been reported missing and the police have so far found nothing. They do eventually find a corpse that MIGHT be her...but her face is missing. When they tell her family that they've found her, she then walks in the the corpse obviously was NOT her. However, eventually Marie really is murdered and it's up to Poe's Dupin character (Patric Knowles) to solve the murder. As for Dupin, he's a know-it-all who acts a lot like the movie version of Sherlock Holmes and has a partner (Lloyd Corrigan) who is even stupider and more useless than the movie version of Watson. In fact, he's such a bumbling moron that it totally ruins the does Dupin's bizarre manner in which he investigates. Overall, just a silly and inconsequential B murder mystery--complete with all the usual clichés and plot problems. A time-passer at best...but you could easily do better.
kevin olzak 1942's "Mystery of Marie Roget" was not only Poe's sequel to "Murders in the Rue Morgue," but also Universal's. Leon Ames' Pierre Dupin, medical student, is now Dr. Paul Dupin, a rare leading role for the likable Patric Knowles, fresh from "The Wolf Man," the story set in 1889 Paris (1932's "Rue Morgue" was set in 1845 Paris). The nominal star, Maria Montez, on the cusp of stardom, doesn't have much of a showcase as the scheming, one-dimensional Marie Roget, who wants her younger sister Camille (Nell O'Day) dead before her 21st birthday. Missing for 10 days and presumed dead by the authorities, Marie doesn't exactly endear herself to anyone after she suddenly turns up, unwilling to divulge where she'd been; is it any surprise that she winds up murdered instead of Camille? Also from "The Wolf Man," Maria Ouspenskaya again proves a scene stealer, barking demands with a slinky leopard by her side. The low key Knowles makes a rather unorthodox detective, using forensics and grave robbing to find the proper solution (a shame there are too few suspects). The excellent supporting cast also includes John Litel, Lloyd Corrigan, Charles Middleton, Reed Hadley, and Frank Reicher. Curiously, although part of television's SHOCK! package, "Mystery of Marie Roget" never aired on Pittsburgh's Chiller Theater, but did appear on channel 11 annually during the 1980s, after CT had come to an end by Jan 1 1984.
MARIO GAUCI This was among the very few remaining vintage Universal Horror titles, a genuine 'B' movie but a surprisingly effective one nonetheless – if only tenuously related to the genre (being based on an Edgar Allan Poe tale, the presence of an ostensibly dangerous animal i.e. a leopard, thus anticipating the Val Lewton chiller THE LEOPARD MAN {1943}, and its utilizing a steel-claw for a murder weapon that literally obliterates the victims' faces…which, apart from the latter film itself, would subsequently see service in at least 2 more of the studio's efforts, namely the Sherlock Holmes adventure THE SCARLET CLAW {1944} and the maligned SHE-WOLF OF London {1946}!).Incidentally, this can be considered an unofficial sequel to one of the earliest Universal horror classics, MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1932), since it is not only set in much the same surroundings as that more popular Poe story but it actually features one of the protagonists, forensic expert Pierre Dupin (here played by stiff-upper-lipped but likable Patric Knowles, who around this same time would co-star in two higher-profile genre efforts for the studio in THE WOLF MAN {1941} and its direct successor in the Larry Talbot franchise FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN {1943}!). For the record, MYSTERY OF MARIE ROGET managed to rope in another cast member of those very pictures, Maria Ouspenskaya…who is at her most outspoken here, constantly belittling Prefect of Police and Knowles' long-suffering sidekick Lloyd Corrigan (who indeed has no easier time with the doctor, in view of the fact that the latter never bothers to fully explain his schemes in entrapping criminals to his understandably flustered superior!).Which brings us to nominal lead Maria Montez though, given the brevity of her appearance in an already tight 61-minute film, this cannot be deemed a star vehicle for her (as it happens, I currently have 7 of those in my "To Watch" pile!). Anyway, while heavily-accented, she does get to warble a song in French (to the evident delight of Corrigan) and, in any case, her character is established as being wicked…which Knowles goes to extreme lengths to prove (by stealthily extracting the brain from her corpse in the morgue – the scene evoking FRANKENSTEIN {1931} in conception and MYSTERY OF THE WAX MUSEUM {1933} in execution – and, under advise from some eminent authority on the workings of the criminal mind, carrying out experiments on it off-screen!).Despite watching this via a worn-out VHS print, where the detail is so far gone one can hardly discern the actors' facial features(!), the unmistakable atmosphere of a good old Universal horror movie is well in evidence, thus making this a blast (if clearly a minor entry in the field). For what it is worth, we are also treated to a horse-and-carriage chase along the cobbled streets of a studio-built Paris and, while I was sure I had figured out the culprit's true identity, the script (which is surprisingly complex and eminently engaging) went on to prove me wrong by making him out to be the guilty party the Police had fingered all along!
dbborroughs Singer Marie Roget goes missing and is believed dead. She then mysteriously reappears after 10 days. Not long after her reappearance her grand mother hears her planning to do in her step sister and calls in ace detective Paul Dupin of the Paris police force. Unfaithful adaption of the Edgar Allan Poe story is a rip roaring mystery with twists and turns aplenty as murder and mayhem put the Roget family in danger. This is a movie thats perfect when you want a solid little mystery that moves along so quickly that you really don't have time to think. It starts and just zips straight to the end in ways that many other mysteries of the time don't. Worth a look.