The Marrying Man
The Marrying Man
R | 05 April 1991 (USA)
The Marrying Man Trailers

Charley Pearl, wealthy heir and gadabout, is slated to marry Adele, the daughter of a Hollywood tycoon. But, during a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas, Charley strikes up a flirtation with nightclub crooner Vicki Anderson that soon leads to her bedroom. When the couple are discovered by Vicki's beau, infamous gangster Bugsy Siegel, he makes a surprising pronouncement -- they'd better marry, or Charley is a dead man.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
moonspinner55 Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger struggle to enliven soggy comedy about a playboy ne'er-do-well who marries and then divorces the same woman, a torchy singer and one-time gangster's moll, again and again. Rather ugly little movie, written for the screen by no less than Neil Simon, repeats its meet-cute formula until a certain bleary-eyed resentment sets in. It's not a promising idea in the cinematic sense, and director Jerry Rees can't get it off the runway (despite a lively opening). Good supporting players Armand Assante, Robert Loggia and Paul Reiser aren't much help. As for infant terribles Baldwin and Basinger: at this stage in their careers, neither was able to carry a picture. Baldwin is wiry but green and nervous; Basinger is more confident as a performer, but can find no strengths for herself in this material. ** from ****
Acapulqueno A very rich toothpaste heir playboy (Baldwin) lets raging testosterone make all of his major decisions, which results in tiresomely predictable but never really fatal results. The object of most of his affection is a Las Vegas cabaret singer who is the girlfriend of Bugsy Siegel (Armand Assante in a too-brief appearance). Kim Bassinger does a lot of singing and even more shimmying, but that's about all she contributes to a script which consists mostly of a tiresome series of not very funny one-liners. Don't be misled by the Neil Simon credit. Simon has done far better plays, and should have known enough to burn the script of this disaster before letting anyone film it.
rhbwebpages This movie is all about the allure of anticipation, especially between two lovers. It's about that feeling you get when you fall "in love" with that special someone and can't get that person out of your mind. But it's also about how that feeling can all too often leave you before you know what has happened. In this respect, I think the movie does a good job depicting this phenomenon. Baldwin and Basinger express a real yearning for each other that can really be felt throughout the movie.The only really bad part about this film is that the story is somewhat chopped up and the "narration"-style presentation could use some work. Other than that, it's good to watch if you catch it on TV or something.
Armando-4 I didn't know the writing credits were on Neil Simon. And me and my wife saw the movie enjoying every line of the text. We're great admirers of Mr.Simon, who created the leading style in good American comedies humour. The Marrying Man is an invitation to find the right person in our lives. That person that awakes our most passionate side, the one which worth to live. Okay, I'm becoming a little dramatic, but my wife and I, we know (thanks God...and us) what true love can do with your life, for better! It's a great movie, plenty of meanings. Watch it twice!