The Legend of Johnny Lingo
The Legend of Johnny Lingo
G | 29 August 2003 (USA)
The Legend of Johnny Lingo Trailers

When a storm washes a canoe bearing an infant boy ashore upon a small South Pacific island, he is at first well-received as a gift from the heavens, even to the point of the tribal chief adopting him as a successor. However, with time as hardships are blamed upon Tama (as he is named), he is finally outcast to live with the poorest people on the island, Mahana and her drunken father. Mahana is considered homely and undesirable, but Tama feels differently, so when he is old enough to build a craft to sail away, he vows to return for her one day. A lucky stroke brings him to land upon the island of the legendary Johnny Lingo, the wealthiest trader in the islands, and after years of service to him, Tama has learned much about life and himself as he dreams of honoring his pledge to Mahana.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
krocheav If you're looking for a clean cut family film with lots of symbolic undertones (good messages) then "Legend" could serve the purpose. It offers good location filming, some very good actors amongst what seems like a mostly amateur cast. The real star of this piece is most certainly the music score by respected composer Kevin Kiner. Mr Kiner's written several moving pieces all treated to unexpectedly lush orchestral arrangements. Some good ethnic pop songs also help to set the scene.Director of photography is the highly regarded New Zealander Allen Guilford and features some very good looking locations. The film is directed and edited by first time feature director Stephen Ramirez. It won't please hard bitten audiences but anyone looking for the style of matinée movie from yesteryear should be fairly well pleased (although the girls unpleasant drunkard father could be seen as a tad unsettling for some). This movie is an extended version of an earlier short film (Johnny Lingo 1969) from a story by Pat Mcgerr. Seen better - but sure seen worse! (just off the cuff, the promo posters don't particularly suit this version)
maggiewoolley I was very intrigued watching this movie whilst on holiday in NZ with my brother,he lives in Wellington,as his daughter -Fiona-is in it!She is the attractive middle native girl giggling with two others when offered to Johnny as a bride! I feel she should have had the lead role!!!but I'm biased.It was a light hearted fun movie with some good Pacific Island scenery,and villages.It had a feel good quality to it, and you wanted to continue viewing till the end to make sure there was a good result.I enjoyed it,particularly as my niece is in it, I felt very proud to have such talent in the family, I am now looking to purchase a copy so that family in the UK can see it too.
Bob Blaylock Of all the many short movies that the Mormon church has produced, my very favorite of all was the 1969 "Johnny Lingo".  The message, given in the end, is very profound, regarding the meaning of the price that Johnny paid for his bride, and what it meant to her sense of self-worth; and how the ugliest, most undesirable woman on the island was transformed into the most valuable and beautiful.  I have just now finished watching 'The Legend of Johnny Lingo'.  On the whole, I found it a very enjoyable movie, very much worth watching.  Of course, it is to be expected that in 91 minutes, it tells the story in much greater detail, with much more richness, than the 1969 version could do in its 25 minutes.  I was a bit disappointed, however, in the end, when the lesson that was so profoundly taught in the 1969 production seemed to be lost in this version.  This version is very much worth watching, but I strongly recommend that after you've seen this one, you try to find and view the 1969 version as well.{Added 27 march 2005}   If you seek to buy this movie on DVD, do yourself a favor:  Find a "Deseret Books" store (a store that specializes in Mormon-related books and materials) and look there for the "LDS Classic 2–Disc Edition" of this movie.  Among all the other special features, this set includes the original 1969 movie produced by the Mormon church.  I could be mistaken, but I think this edition is only sold through Deseret Books.
edkb The Legend of Johnny Lingo is an extended story of the 70's original. It goes into Johnny Lingo's childhood and explains how he first met his wife and how he first became a goods trader. It is a fun movie for all, including those who loved the first version.