The Immigrant
The Immigrant
R | 16 May 2014 (USA)
The Immigrant Trailers

1921 New York. An immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzling magician tries to save her and reunite her with her sister who is being held in the confines of Ellis Island.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
merelyaninnuendo The ImmigrantEven though the script isn't as convoluted as the writers think, they wisely installed plenty of extra room for other sub-plots to factor in, which was smart of them to play safe, and that can be the accurate description of the feature in a word; safe. It is rich on technical aspects like cinematography, costume design, make-up design, art design and editing. The script focuses more on its three dimensional pragmatic characters that are unpredictable, dark and brutally honest that helps the feature to draw out the attention of the viewers. James Gray; the writer-director, has done a tremendous work on executing this character driven feature and pushes its boundary on the script by visiting unexpected places that helps on keeping the audience on the edge of the seat. It is no short on performance for obvious reasons, like Marion Cotillard and Joaquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner as a supporting actor. The chemistry among the actors doesn't communicate to the viewers despite of offering a wider range for them to factor in, which is the only downer in here as the emotions comes out a bit shallow. The Immigrant migrates involuntarily and suffers for art where its gripping screenplay is what keeps the feature alive despite of having stellar performance.
l_rawjalaurence In 1921 a young Polish immigrant Ewa Cybulska (Marion Cotillard) arrives at Ellis Island with her sister Magda (Angela Sarafyan), who suffers from tuberculosis. The two are about to be deported when Ewa runs into a white knight Bruno Weiss (Joaquim Phoenix) offering her home and security, while arranging for Magda to be hospitalized. The offer turns out to be double-edged, as Ewa is unwillingly forced into prostitution. Bruno has an unhealthy obsession with her, as does his cousin Emil (Jeremy Renner), and the two end up in a fatal confrontation.Such is the plot-line of James Gray's lushly photographed and scrupulously staged melodrama that works hard to recreate the atmosphere of early Twenties New York in the throes of Prohibition, when everyone, it seems, has their price - the police, the bourgeoisie, members of the prison services. Bruno thrives in this kind of environment - a would-be impresario working at what he describes as a "theater" but is in truth a burlesque with a brothel attached, he takes pleasure in presenting his "girls" in a variety of grotesque pageants. As a well-brought up Catholic girl Magda cannot and will not accept what she is asked to do, even though she knows this is the only way for her to raise money to pay for her sister's hospital care.The plot unfolds at a snail's pace, concentrating more on Bruno's degenerating state of mind as his obsession with Magda becomes more and more unhealthy. In the end he keeps her as a physical and emotional prisoner; even when she does try to escape him, he keeps coming back unexpectedly. Joachim Phoenix registers his state of mind through a range of facial expressions, coupled with outstanding eye-work, as he looks wildly round to see if anyone is trying to steal Magda from him. In contrast Cotillard and Renner offer low-key characterizations; they are much more concerned with the day-to-day business of survival in an amoral world. Cotillard's countenance seldom changes; she has encased herself in a protective emotional shell and refuses to emerge from it until the every end when she is restored to her sister. Emil (who performs under the moniker Orlando the magician) has a specialty act where is quite literally disappears onstage; this serves as a suitable visual metaphor for a world where the dispossessed quite literally disappear from public view into dark tunnels and seedy tenement- blocks.While THE IMMIGRANT might not have too much to say about human relationships, it deserves praise for the way it shows the protagonists struggling to survive in post-World War One America, a time that historians tell us was perceived by the bourgeois as one of freedom and hedonism (fueled by the bootleggers), but was certainly not the same for those existing further down the social scale.
Argemaluco The Immigrant tells us a devastating story, which simultaneously denounces the fallacy of "American dream" and confirms the indomitable spirit of the immigrants who forged the cultural and economical basis of that country. The performances are excellent, the characters are complex, and the cinematography captures the reality of the historical period with a raw beauty. However, I didn't like this film very much, mainly because it didn't make me feel anything, despite all the drama and personal tragedy it displays. The unfortunate experiences the main character lives are mortifying, and unfortunately, they might have been very common in the time in which this movie is set (also nowadays, thinking it well); but for some reason, The Immigrant isn't made with enough passion for us to plunge into the main character's experiences, and it doesn't have a concrete point besides of being a sample book of human suffering which should have been touching, but it isn't. Having said that, I think my opinion about The Immigrant is in the minority, considering all the acclamation this film has received around the world. However, this doesn't mean I couldn't find positive elements in this film, such as the brilliant performances. Marion Cotillard perfectly transmits vulnerability and resistance at the same time. The great Joaquin Phoenix brings a predictably amazing work as the opportunist Bruno, and Jeremy Renner brings a warm and sensitive attitude which totally adjusts to his character. I think that those three performances are enough reason to make The Immigrant worthy of a slight recommendation, with the hope that other spectators will appreciate the emotions and narrative honesty I wasn't able to find.
cupcakejadee Wow, OK, I was on Netflix looking for something to watch, I was in a nostalgic melancholy mood and didn't see anything I wanted to watch so I did the Max thing and The Immigrant came up time and again. So I decided to watch it. I can't even tell you how shocked I was at how good this movie was, I wanted a tear jerker and boy did I get one! The acting itself was amazing and completely believable, I found myself talking out loud as I watched it.Joaquin Phoenix,Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Renner had outstanding performances!! I'm a big movie buff and I just joined IMDb but I have to tell you this is a must see if you want to see something that makes you FEEL!!!