The Hunley
The Hunley
PG | 11 July 1999 (USA)
The Hunley Trailers

CSS Hunley tells the incredible true story of the crew of the manually propelled submarine CSS Hunley, during the siege of Charleston of 1864. It is a story of heroism in the face of adversity, the Hunley being the first submersible to sink an enemy boat in time of war. It also relates the human side of the story relating the uncommon and extaordinary temperament of the 9 men who led the Hunley into history and died valiantly accomplishing this feat.

GazerRise Fantastic!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
RaphaelSemmes Quite simply, "The Hunley" is the best made for television movie of all time. The film accurately depicts a moment in history, (1864), when Charleston, SC. was being savagely bombarded by the Federal navy. Of course, I'm quite certain that individual aspects of the film have been purposely embellished to make an already interesting story even more captivating. For example, the scene involving the bombardment of the "open air" orchestral recital was very stirring, but in actuality may have never occurred. I also wonder if the fascinating conversations between Lt. Dixon and General Beauregard ever transpired. While General Beauregard did have oversight over the Hunley mission, I wonder if there was any point in time when he seriously considered scuttling the project, given the dire straits of the Confederacy at that point in the war. It's all open to conjecture. What we do know is that the men aboard the Hunley served valiantly, and gave the ultimate sacrifice for Southern Independence.I thought that overall the casting was creditable. Armand Assante was fine as Lt. Dixon, and the rest of the crew was capable, although I did have concerns with Seaman Collins' brogue which came off as stilted and forced. Donald Sutherland does not look very much like P.G.T. Beauregard, but I believe that he captured the essence of the man, particularly in his derision of President Davis, who he unflattering labels "a politician"."The Hunley" is an outstanding movie. You do not need to be a history buff to enjoy its drama. It is well acted, with a good script and excellent cinematography. Like another WBTS film, Glory, The Hunley has an important story to tell of courage, loyalty, and service.
pjonsson This film includes a powerful performance by Armand Assante, easily matching the undeniably good performance of Donald Sutherland. It includes an excellent portrayal of Civil War Charleston and the desperate situation of the Confederacy in 1864. Out of that desperation came the impetus to put a (very) basic submarine into service. All in all a powerful film about desperate people volunteering for a dangerous duty they believed in. I strongly recommend this film to Civil War and general military history buffs. It will breathe life into your understanding of the Civil War period. Where is the DVD!
grahamsj3 I believe that the film itself was well executed. The cinematography, setting, costuming and scripting were all well done. The casting of Armande Assante as Capt. Dixon was an error. He tried, but was never able to pull the role off. The scenes inside the submarine were the most powerful, giving a real feeling of how claustrophobic it must have really been. The performances by the remainder of the cast were adequate, but none stands out except possibly Sebastian Roche as Collins, the Irishman. The film supposedly stuck to all historical information pretty closely, so I would assume that this was more or less factual. Overall, an entertaining film, one that I enjoyed but am glad I didn't have to pay much to see. I give it a 7.
bodie I have been a student of the Civil War for a great while and this movie moved me deeply. Although artistic license was no doubt taken with the personalities of the individual characters this movie is historically accurate. It was a very powerful production which should be shown in history classes in which the Civil War will be studied. Although the story of the C.S.S. Hunley is a small chapter in the Civil War it is a story which clearly shows the bravery and determination of the confederate soldier. Though I do take exception to the confederate cause I admire the men who died in the Hunley greatly.