The Hit List
The Hit List
R | 03 April 2011 (USA)
The Hit List Trailers

A disgruntled man creates a hit list with a stranger during a drunken night out and must then race to try to save those he marked for extermination as the bodies begin to pile up and all fingers point to him.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Matt Kracht The plot: After a bad day, a man meets someone claiming to be a hit-man. Amused, he decides to play along and give the hit-man a list of people to kill.The Hit List has a great premise, but, like Chad and Evan Law's previous collaboration with Cuba Gooding, Jr (Hero Wanted), the script doesn't quite live up to the promise. Regardless, it's still a fun movie, especially for long-time Cuba fans who haven't abandoned him through his run of direct-to-video movies.Cole Hauser plays Allan Campbell, a pathetic loser who lets people walk all over him. His passive personality intrigues his new friend, a stone-cold hit-man who calls himself Jonas, played by Cuba Gooding, Jr. His mysterious new friend decides that he's going to force Campbell to assertively take control of his life, while also giving Campbell a degree of vicarious revenge. Campbell quickly realizes that Jonas isn't playing games. He has to stop Jonas from quickly running through the hit list, despite his disconnected, passive attitude toward life.Sound familiar? Yeah, it's basically just Michael Mann's Collateral. There are also some very strong influences from The Terminator and Terminator 2. In fact, Jonas even pretends to be a cop, assaults a police station, and tries to assassinate a woman taken in protective custody. Obviously, the influences on this movie are not very subtle. If extended scenes of "homage" tend to annoy you, you're going to really hate this movie. There's very little to it that's actually original.I think that the Law brothers have some good ideas, compared to typical direct-to-video thrillers, but they need a lot more practice writing screenplays. Good ideas alone don't make for good scripts. I think they have some real potential to break out of these low budget, direct-to-video thrillers, if they can just figure out how to translate their admittedly interesting premise into a good screenplay. The director also shows some promise, though I think his reliance on homage is a bit off-putting at times.Cole Hauser and Cuba Gooding, Jr may never hit the A list again, but both are enjoyable actors, and I think there's a lot of potential for them to become cult B movie actors. Screw the A list. Who needs it?
jeniak A disgruntled man creates a hit list with a stranger during a drunken night out and must then race to try to save those he marked for extermination as the bodies begin to pile up and all fingers point to him.The plot is interesting, but not very realistic as the director tries to convince us that someone can offer to kill anyone for nothing without any shred of emotions or regrets, just for the sake of fun. I agreed with one of the reviewer that Gooding is simply unconvincing as a ruthless hit- man...Overall good acting, but very unrealistic movie. I'd say 6/10.
Mr-Sparrow 1st of all , excuse me for my spelling..not so good.. 2nd of all.. i have only few words about this Movie... Cuba's acting was kinda Good, but other Actors were not so good ,,really bad acting..the name of the movie is cool, the story is cool, but acting was not cool at all i really did not enjoy watching the movie...somethings were missing in the movie. this movie needed Mystery. i give 5 of 10 for Cuba and 2 of 10 for other actors , 3 of 10 for Cameras 4 of 10 for Direction . when Cuba was chasing by police in streets... for a second, i thought only actors were in the city...and only 1 police car ??? oh my god ! the city was really empty of people ...and police station could not hit Cuba with one bullet ??? ,, that was not good .. really Weak Acting ...
Wizard-8 I've come to the conclusion that Cuba Gooding Jr. has accepted his downfall to direct-to-DVD movies, because he doesn't seem to be trying to pick good projects anymore, including this one. In fairness, this project isn't as bad as some of his other turkeys. For a low budget direct-to-DVD project, the production values are okay, though there are signs of cost-cutting throughout (such as a number of close-ups and very few wide shots). The police in this movie don't come across as dumb as they do in other B movies, and the movie did interest me enough to wonder how the situation would be wrapped up in the end - though honestly, it wasn't worth the wait. The screenplay has a number of other problems, with some decisions by the hero to be so idiotic that I was groaning out loud, and some implausibilities by others that make no sense when you think about them closely. (For example, think about the way Gooding's character kills the second person on the list.) Gooding is simply unconvincing as a ruthless hit-man, and Hauser has to somehow make his stupid and spineless character sympathetic, which sees far beyond his abilities. If you ask me, more thought and planning went into the fancy opening credits sequence than with the rest of the movie.