The Last Time
The Last Time
R | 01 October 2006 (USA)
The Last Time Trailers

Ted Ryker is the top salesman in the New York office of a business machine company; the corporate stock lives by quarterly sales numbers, the competition is keen, and the economy may be in a downturn. Ted's company is marking time until a new product is ready – probably in a few months. Into the mix comes a new hire, a callow Midwesterner named Jamie, who's come East with his fiancée Belisa.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
georgewilliamnoble Made for a reputed $4 Million dollars and released in 2007 to theatres in the USA. This is a pretty left field film which has the benefit of some great actors with the leads particularly good, who suck you into a spiders web of a story which though the big revelation does not wholly ring credible, is none the less well worth watching. As a footnote, this smart little indie film just shows how big Hollywood so often wastes millions of dollars on unworthy projects and poor film making.Finally i thought that Amber Valletta made the film work, while she was ably assisted by Michael Keaton who has become a really impressive and very versatile actor, who has left Batman a very long way behind.
treeskier802 After browsing through some titles online on Netflix, I watched The Last Time on a whim. Lately I've been enjoying romances and I also work in sales, so I thought this might be an interesting film for me personally. I wasn't expecting too much since the ratings are rather mediocre and I had never heard of this movie, but I am glad I gave it a look.Michael Keaton is absolutely brilliant in this movie. He is the top salesman for a company and is driven by an inner rage that makes him successful. He is forced to take the bumbling Brendan Fraser under his wing and the fun begins. Keaton is great fun as this confident jerk who tells it like it is. His relationship with Fraser and Fraser's fiancé, however, pulls on Keaton's inner demons and he begins to change. I think the description of this film is best left at that.The Last Time is a nice little psychological thriller with a touch of romance added to the equation. It is definitely worth a look. Rating 8 of 10 stars.
bob-rutzel-1 Super Salesman Ted (Keaton) takes on a partner, Jamie (Fraser), to show him the ropes. Problems arise when Ted takes a liking to Belise (Valletta), Jamie's fiancée.The beginning of this movie is weird, weird, weird. You have no idea where it's going and only the star power holds you. Why weird? Because of the way Jamie acts and you almost feel like shutting this down, but the star power still holds you. Yes, Fraser does go a little Bad George of the Jungle and this is where you are thinking of watching Lassie reruns. But, still the star power must be worth something so you stick with it. And, in time, it works, sort of. When things go this bad in a movie one must look for clues to find a way out of the mess. And, yes there were clues along the way, oblique ones , but there nevertheless.I understand this movie went straight to DVD probably because the theaters would empty in 20 minutes and reputations would be ruined. When you get to the twist, maybe….. maybe it saves itself.Advice to Michael Keaton: go back and play Batman or some legitimate thriller as this was really a chick flick with men doing the chick flick work. Not good. As for Fraser, he did some good work at the end of the movie and it was refreshing to see him act like an adult for a change. Need to see more of this side of him. Yes, he had to follow the script when he played the dufus, but we were the ones who had to watch him being a dufus. Not good.Violence:No, Sex:Yes, Nudity: Yes, Language, Yes, non-stop
LaserLounge I usually agree pretty much with the IMDb-Ratings but in this case I find it really amazing that it only gets 6.3 points (08/07). Okay, sometimes when you don't expect too much (because of poor ratings you get surprised and tend to overrate it. I give it a perfect ten anyway. Why? This is a wonderfully drafted/crafted drama thriller with excellent acting (especially Michael Keaton). The twists are fantastic and so are the dialogue. (I envy the screenwriter and will keep track of the director's career, too!) It delivers a great insight into the everyday life of an (unsuccessful) salesman. If you loved Wall Street and have a soft spot for B movies, you will like this one even more than Wall Street. Watch it!