The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch
The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch
| 17 December 2008 (USA)
The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch Trailers

After a powerful billionaire is murdered, his secret adoptive son must race to prove his legitimacy, find his father's killers and stop them from taking over his financial empire.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Daniel Andrews A shocking waste of time. Decent plot and well-made film but the company and characters are of no interest. Halfway through the film I realised I genuinely didn't care what would happen to the company or the heir, so what was the point in watching it?The film is very similar to 'Transporter' in a way except it does not have any characters to actually take an interest in. There's a great deal made about an heir called Largo Winch and yet when you finally meet Largo he's an arrogant kid who has magically obtained fighting skills, fluency in numerous languages and universal knowledge. A minor gripe; the actor playing Largo just pulls one expression for the entire film... it's beyond irritating.
witster18 I love foreign film. I love spy/espionage films. I love action films.I rented this one for all of those reasons.Watch this one for it's hot locales and high-production values. Past that - this movie is really, really bad.I have NO CLUE how this is scored this high here.The acting is as rigid as a treated 2 x 4. The script was written by the same guy that wrote the "See Spot Run" book. Every detail of the film is repeated 5 times - as if the viewers have a 48 IQ. I really felt insulted by how they kept repeating the same stuff over and over.There is no plot. Hong Kong looks great on film. I've been there. It's a beautiful place. If not for the landscapes and couple of decent action scenes - I would have voted this even lower.Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.The back-story is poorly put together, and the current story is non-existent.Very disappointed. Looks good, but the acting and writing are deplorable!I usually put "If you like this you might like____ ____" lists on my reviews, but if you DID like this - then the chances of me recommending something and you actually liking it is highly improbable.39/100 WOrst "good" looking film I've seen in a long, long time.Think "Quantum of Solace" - only with weak acting, and an even weaker plot(is that even possible),...oh, and less action too.
Boba_Fett1138 This movie is a real mixed big. On the other hand it's one great looking and well directed movie, with a pleasant pace and some good action but on the other it's being a real average one with its story and suffers from some weak acting as well.It's actually a movie based on a Belgian novel- and comic-book-series. And it's not really hard to see why they wanted to turn it into a movie-series as well. It has a very typical movie style and way of storytelling to it, that reminds you of movie-series such as the Bourne Identity and James Bond ones. It has a thriller type of plot, hot women, plenty of action and hand-to-hand combat and some exotic locations as well. Yet as a movie this one does not really work out quite successfully. Also financially it was a disappointment but that didn't prevent them from making a sequel, with the poetic title "Largo Winch II", in 2011, which was not much of a success either. So it seems that the series is already over before anybody had really heard about it, unless some big Hollywood studio decides to pick it up and turn it into a movie-series, since the potential is all definitely still present in it.It's a movie in which a secretly adopted son has to proof his legitimacy, in order to take over his murdered father's company, that is worth billions and prevent it from falling in the wrong hands of some shady business people. Doesn't sound like the most interesting perhaps and you're right to think so. It's mostly being a Industrial espionage thriller, with backstabbing characters and ones with double agendas, with some action thrown in it to spice up things. It just isn't really the most exciting concept to begin with and besides, the movie its story offers little new or surprising really. It all has been done before and better as well. It's all quite predictable, also in the way it's progressing.But the film-makers didn't seemed to be stopped in their ambitions to still create a great movie, despite of its story. It's a real slick looking movie, with a great visual style to it. They also handled the action really well, with some good camera-work and nimble editing. I'm a fan of some good old fashioned hand-to-hand action and this movie has plenty of that. Really, I can't say anything bad about the directing approach of this movie. It also provides the movie with a pleasantly fast pace, which ensures that the movie, despite of its story, won't ever start to bore you.And the movie also needed a fast pace, since it seemed to be covering lots of ground. It's set in many different countries, at many different places, with many different people. Yet they managed to fit it all into a 100 minutes short movie. It might cause you to loose track at times though. I mean, it's quite hard to understand at times why our main character is suddenly in a different country or how he got there in the first place.But something that really truly brings this movie down is its acting. Most of the actors really got poorly cast in this and seem to belong on TV or soap operas only really. Kristin Scott Thomas is an exception and Benedict Wong also does a decent enough job but the rest were really struggling to get their lines out convincingly. Perhaps this was also partly due to it that most characters have to speak in many different languages. The movie mostly consists out of French, English and Serbian dialog, while some of the actors themselves aren't even French, English or Serbian. And hearing a French person utter some English words just never really sounds convincing. The lead actor Tomer Sisley was also really struggling with this and only seemed to be in his element during the action sequences.Not a great movie by any means but still worth giving a go when you have run out of anything else to watch.6/10
biakko Who doesn't know Largo Winch in the France-Belgium-Luxemburg trio (the three countries where the French "BD" or "Bandes Dessinées" are massively published) ? 18 years after the publication of the first comic book, which is itself an adaptation of a series of novels, it HAD to be adapted on screens. After a first - and failed- attempt with a TV show, the real thing begins.First of all, and that's what most of the fans didn't get, the goal of this movie is not strictly to adapt the comic book series. Some essential parts, characters and actions of the original are missing. The movie itself offers an alternative and more modern version of the series. As a 1st class-fan of the comic book, I must confess I was nicely surprised. The actors are good, so is the scenario, though it might seem too fast. I thus recommend this movie to all those interested by financial/political thrillers, but it is clearly not an alternative to James Bond or Jason Bourne series as I could read over the internet.