The Guardian Brothers
The Guardian Brothers
PG | 25 June 2015 (USA)
The Guardian Brothers Trailers

There's a crisis in the Chinese Spirit World -- humans don't believe in gods anymore! A Door God, facing unemployment, ventures into the human world to prove his worth, leading to unexpected encounters and transformations for humans and spirits alike.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
funnily_notbusted The story of two spirit brothers was a different take on many different Chinese cultural animations out there. However, the story wasn't well delivered. In the English dub we have a young girl named Rain, voiced by Bella Thorne who sounds suspiciously older than the girl's mother, voiced by Nicole Kidman. The spirit world doesn't have a logical sense to it. Some minor characters, like Blossom, seem to have little to no significant influence on the story at all. This story has little to no depth and has all the heart of a child's picture book. The most interesting part to me was the Chinese traditions that are so different from my own and I could have gotten that much information from a Google search.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Prior to sitting down to watch "The Guardian Brothers" (aka "Xiao men shen") I had not heard anything about it. Actually, I didn't even know it existed. I read the synopsis and decided to watch it. Plus, it was set in an Asian setting, which also appeals to me.This animated movie had a very nice story to tell, and it is very enjoyable even if you are not overly familiar with Chinese mythology. You quickly and easily immerse yourself into the storyline and the world in which the story takes place.The art style used in this animated movie was quite good, as it was definitely unique and lovely at the same time.It was just a shame that it was an English dubbed version that I saw, although they had some pretty good voice actors on the cast list for the English dub."The Guardian Brothers" is definitely worth taking the time to sit down and watch, whether it is by yourself or with your family and kids.
mj-others Love the story. I did not realize it was a dub as it was done well. Whole family likes this.
Rectangular_businessman I wish I had the chance of seeing "Little Door Gods" before making this review. Unfortunately, I only had the chance of watching "The Guardian Brothers", the English dubbed version that was released in the United States, so I won't able to make a proper comparison between them. With that being said, it still seems pretty obvious something went lost on translation.Without being terrible as the 4Kids anime dubs (or the atrocious Saban adaptation of the 3 Digimon films) "The Guardian Brothers" has its share of problems. The first of all (and the most notorious) it's the excessive (and many times inadequate) use of songs, which in many occasions completely kill the mood of several scenes. Most of them feel randomly chosen and honestly, they were a poor attempt to add humor to a story which already had plenty of that.The second problem is the intrusive narration, which at moments reminded me of "The Tale of Despereaux", pointing out the obvious in a couple of scenes. Ironically enough, certain parts of the movie felt a bit confusing or not properly explained, yet the narration was completely absent during those moments.On the other side, the voice acting was a mixed bag: Most of the voices did an adequate job for each character, even if the script wasn't exactly stellar. Dub problems aside, "The Guardian Brothers" was still a watchable family flick, with a neat animation style and some charming moments, but I wish the story fully explored the potential of its premise, and this dub could have a done a better job adapting the original version of this film for English speaking audiences.