The Guard from Underground
The Guard from Underground
| 16 June 1992 (USA)
The Guard from Underground Trailers

A former sumo wrestler, now working as a security guard, goes on a murderous rampage.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
meteoraxv The female main character, Akiko, works in a corporation for a Department 12 that apparently doesn't officially exists. She's a newcomer to the company, an art historian it seems. The story takes place in the building where Akiko is working. The building, even though there are people working there just like in any other company, has a very empty and desolate feel to it, which really sets the mood.She is stalked by an huge-murderer-sumo-wrestler-declared-insane, working as the new security guard in the same building on the same day as Akiko.The whole Department 12 thing is a funny affair. The newly formed Department itself is not really recognized as an official department of the company. The people that work there don't really seem to...belong the company. Neither do the head security guard and the new recruit.Nothing really exciting happens until halfway into the movie. Until then it's mostly chilling suspense. The last 25 minutes or so really remind me of the ending in Night of the Demon (1980), albeit more stretched out of course. There's a scene with a locker that was so brutal and original I had to watch it twice. And I don't do that often. That scene was easily THE best scene in the movie.A real Japanese B-movie. I loved the cheap, low-budget feel and atmosphere. The camera angles were just how I like them. The suspense was great. Soundtrack is just right. It's a cheap flick, but I happen to like a good ol' cheap flick as much as (and sometimes more than) high-budget films.As a (huge) bonus, the girl playing Akiko was very cute. 9*
MartinHafer I noticed some places on IMDb this is referred to as a slasher movie or a homage to slasher films. Well, I wouldn't say that as this isn't exactly a slasher film AND because it's better than just mindless killing to entertain teenage audiences. However, I am not saying it was an especially brilliant or must-see movie.The film follows a young female employee as she begins a job at the Akebono Corporation. I am sure they picked the name of the place to capitalize on the name of one of Japan's top sumo wrestlers at that time, Akebono--especially as the killer is supposedly an ex-sumo wrestler. However, I was a bit confused by this, as the guy was not at all fat--just very tall--and looked very little like he'd ever been in sumo. But no matter--the guy who was just hired as a security job this building was apparently the same guy who some time ago ripped his girlfriend and another wrestler apart in a rage! And, this very menacing and creepy guy starts to do bad things through the course of the film. Oddly, however, the film seemed to have a bit of a sense of humor and even karma, as the folks being killed early on were, in some ways, deserving of it. But later, humor and any reason to kill all seemed to vanish and the film just became a mindless psycho killer film--and it's a shame, as it seemed for a while like a very good movie due to its excellent moodiness and creep-out factor. Overall, not a bad movie but not an especially great movie either--a time-passer for those who don't mind some mindless violence.
lastliberal Kiyoshi Kurosawa, who gave us Doppelganger, Pulse, and Cure, shows that he is a master of suspense and horror.Some describe this as an homage to 80's slasher films, but I felt a more honest description might go further back to film noir. There was a slow pace and a steady creepy musical score throughout until towards the end when the bodies start really piling up.To describe it as slasher is a slight misnomer as he usually uses a pipe.It is almost a Godzilla-like thriller as the killer is huge. He is a sumo wrestler, but not in the usual way you think of them. He is extremely tall instead of being round.The creative use of a locker may cause panic to all the geeks who got locked in one in high school.And, you may not want to work overtime after seeing this.
Lawrence One of the contemporary masters of Japanese film, Kiyoshi Kurosawa here fashions a dark tale that is both a sharp satire of corporate life and a B-movie thriller. A former sumo wrestler (and here, the Western viewer is surprised to discover that not all sumo wrestlers are huge ponderous guys) now working as a security guard goes on a murderous rampage in the company that's employed him.How did he snag the job with a prior charge of murder? How is it that the only way a surviving employee can get help is by telexing New York City? As well, the juxtaposition of world-renowned art in commerce (i.e., how much can I buy and sell this Cezanne for?) with the obviously crude and horrible activity the guard engages in that dominates the story, give this film a unique feel.Though not as well crafted as the astoundingly brilliant "Kyua (Cure)", this is nevertheless an interesting film.