The Good Mother
The Good Mother
R | 04 November 1988 (USA)
The Good Mother Trailers

After finding a sexually liberated boyfriend, a divorced woman gets sued over daughter's custody, by her ex, who claims that her lover has a bad influence on the kid.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
ftfchris Solid acting and i get what he movie was trying for but imo if you have half a brain or kids of your own you'd feel no sympathy for the mom.The Mother discovers joy through sexuality with her new (KEY WORD BEING NEW) lover and her daughter get's caught up in it (Not in a rapey way).I get it. Mother is enjoying being a new liberated sexual being. But how long have you known this guy? If you're going to allow him to go around naked in your home, have sex with him on the same bed as your young daughter etc etc your answer better be YEARS and that you trust him with your daughters life. Because that's basically what your doing.I know what others say this movie is about but i saw this as a movie where the Mother didn't love her Daughter enough to put her child above her own happiness and put her at risk of rape or worse. While no one is supposed to be the villain of the movie the Father is kind of put in that role but i didn't understand. Any Parent in their right mind would do the same thing and sue for custody.If it was the Father with a young son and was letting the son go around and touch his girlfriends private bits you don't think the Mother would go apeshit crazy? Or if the Father let his Daughter touch his private bits because she was curious rather then let her touch some strangers cock? I think the Mom would've gone crazy for that too.
mmitsos-1 JJack100 couldn't be more ridiculous in her/his assessment of this film. "The Good Mother" is a wonderfully acted, beautiful little film that is completely underrated. Very basically, it illustrates the problems that sometimes might ensue due to simple "clashes" of culture and social morais, even though both are western (she's American, he's Irish). It might have been interesting to see how the daughter describes to her biological father what actually happened with the boyfriend. But beyond this single observation, it is to some degree a very interesting little character study of a single mother finding her way and stepping into the world of dating. The relationship between the mother and the daughter is solid, and it is this very relationship that the mother has invested so much of her life cultivating, nurturing, and perfecting. But now, she is confronted with the possibility of losing the one accomplishment, this relationship, to which she has committed herself and about which she feels very proud. Overall, this is a quiet, very well acted, and ultimately heart-wrenching film.
janeybkla Diane Keaton and Liam Neeson are great together, but the subject matter is hard to watch. The points of view of the different characters are well presented. You can understand everyone's behavior and conclusions. Would I have preferred a tidy, happy ending? Yes. But this movie doesn't take the easy way out. It tackles a difficult situation caused by "enlightened, progressive" thinking, and leaves you pondering. I so wanted to point out to the characters the early errors so the catastrophic ending could be avoided.THE GOOD MOTHER presents one of the most honest portrayals of awakening female sexuality and committed love on film.
jjack100 No matter how many famous actors you throw at this "story," it is still pointless and laughable. **Possible spoiler** A woman gets divorced, meets an artist, and her 5 year old daughter touches his penis, trial ensues. I wish I were making that up, but that is the 'story' of this movie. Sound bad? Yeah, it is.