The Game of Their Lives
The Game of Their Lives
PG | 22 April 2005 (USA)
The Game of Their Lives Trailers

Based on a true story, this film tells the tale of the 1950 US soccer team who, against all odds, beat England 1 - 0 in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Although no US team has yet won a World Cup title, this story is about the family traditions and passions which shaped the lives of the players who made up this team of underdogs.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
margo3883 Good Heavens...! I just saw it - after several previous attempts that had failed- and was SO disappointed by the result. What was it ? Cause it certainly couldn't have passed as a film. I admit i had to check the director's name and his previous filmography cause i couldn't believe this thing had even a director. Being an European i'm pretty aware about football, certainly i'm not the most ardent fan, yet i do watch football games and i enjoyed VERY much another film of 1981 called "Victory" and one of 1997 "Fever Pitch"- both being quite football centered. In fact "Victory" is in my top 10 movies of all times. However this "Miracle Game" movie was VERY poor ( and this can be received as an euphimism) -especially in directing. It was not lack of actors or plot, yet the script - perhaps- and the directing blew the whole thing to the air.As for the message of the story.....let's not take this subject. It's too much biased, constantly portraying England/English as arrogant and snob while all the time the movie is bursting out with US pride and smug. It's getting irritating at the end. It's like the other players were not playing for their nations as well, since we know that national teams - especially back in '50s- were pretty much non professional and most of all, everyone in every country was making the effort for their country above all. Too pity for at least three actors - Gerard Butler and the Mandylor brothers who were deserving better than this catastrophe.
macordovil66 The Game of Their Lives touched me so much because all the cast act so natural and so well! Also because the director, David Anspaugh lead us to places, like Brazil, Rio De Janeiro that seems so alike the time it took place , like their costumes, haircuts, the songs andthe lovely way that Jimmy Jean-Louis dances the samba. Gerard Butler is great in this movie, showing us a completely different way of acting, assimilating Frank Borghi's personality . It's a very well done movie, touching, beautiful, cheerful and the music is wonderful! It's a movie so full of energy, emotion and action that never , in one single moment, it's boring. I can watch it over and over again. Maria
SandyLiz Very worthwhile movie. Almost excellent.The cinematography might have been a little rough around the edges, mostly the accents of the actors got into the way as I could hear them straining to keep it American and NY and St. Louis. Some like Rhys-Davis had a strong accent and I wondered why.And...some of it was sentimental--especially the type of music they played in the background. But it was a sentimental story. It was based on a true story and those are harder to make into movies.Maybe the viewers didn't actually see the melding of the various players into a team but that was because it was internal--in their hearts and minds. It definitely was there in full blossom when they were down to the wire. Very well done.I liked the way the team members received their uniforms. It was something we need to do in this manner much more often. Shhh, don't miss this part.However, the acting was good. The actual game they played was spectacular!!! I was excited and anxious and rooting for our home team. I have never been drawn into a movie game like that before.It is well worth seeing. In fact, if you are a Gerard Butler fan like I am, you will probably buy it. I would like to see a movie about how they made this movie!!! (How many takes did it take for the goalie to do what he did, for instance?) Sandy Shire
timpatmc My brother played one of the coaches in the movie when it was being filmed in St. Louis. But it was never released out here in Seattle. I've been waiting for it to come out on DVD, but can't find any info on that. Last I heard, it was supposed to be released to DVD this past fall.I have read a lot of good reviews, and really enjoyed Hoosiers and Rudy, and I'm a soccer hound, so this is one of those movies I want my kids to see. The older brother on Home Improvement (Zachary Ty Bryan) was in this movie, and my brother (who played professional soccer) said he was a really good soccer player.Anyone have any release dates? I really want to see this movie!
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