The Forbidden Girl
The Forbidden Girl
PG-13 | 31 December 2019 (USA)
The Forbidden Girl Trailers

The son of a fundamentalist pastor becomes addicted to an irresistible witch. If he gives in to his temptation, he will be doomed to eternal life on the dark side.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
finetunes I have to admit there were some good elements to this movie, mainly the cinematography. The architecture of the house was amazing; I wonder where they found it. But the script- after wondering a while what happened to it, I finally surmised that much of it was either written as they filmed or it was ad-libbed in parts,and not very well. The actress that played Laura was very easy on the eyes but her little girl voice was a bit distracting. The dialog was so bad that most of the actors throughout the whole movie whispered their lines as if they were too embarrassed to speak them and the volume was so low that I couldn't understand most of it.I searched the internet for subtitles without any luck. This could have been a good movie but there were too many lost opportunities (a little more nudity would have been nice).
Jasper James I really enjoyed this film and am amazed at its poor reviews and rating on IMDb. I think over time its rating will go up and maybe it will even achieve cult film status, I think it deserves it.For those wanting a straight horror/mystery film with a final scene that wraps up all the loose story lines then you need to go elsewhere to one of the more predictable Hollywood horror films of the moment. This film is far more reminiscent of the Italian and English horror films of the 1960's and 70's, more about the atmosphere and the visuals than following a coherent story line. The cinematography is glorious and the locations and the sets look stunning. Others have complained about the 'blue' night scenes being amateurish, I think this was the intention of the director, to make it look more stylised than a regular night shot, think Dario Argento's 'Deep Red'.The acting is fine from unknown actors; Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen is captivating as the Forbidden Girl whilst Klaus Tange plays a wonderful 1960's style baddie with blond Nazi hair.So if you love the atmospheric horror films of the 1960s and 70's then you'll love this, go on, give it a try.
Quarrel-5 I personally found this movie to be boring and very predictable. It comes off as being very amateur in most every respect possible. The movie is full of Very bad visual effects (blue filters for night scenes and what looks like a pencil drawn sky) , predictable plot lines, and very embarrassing acting make this movie not worth watching. I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you are very bored or need something to be put on the background while you work.There are some subtle nude scenes (breasts and underwear), no swearing, very little gore and some poor attempts at "creepy"It is asking me for 10 lines and there is not that much more I can really say about this movie.
equazcion I'm not really sure what I just watched. I did enjoy myself though.As the first reviewer said quite accurately, the cinematography alone is worth it. There's a superbly eerie quality to many of the shots, and ditto for the set, prop, and makeup designs. Some elements are downright visionary. The main actors do a great job, especially Klaus Tange, who hits some authentically demonic high notes, and Roger Tebb's fanatic priest is also great. Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen (there's a mouthful) is devilishly delightful as the fair young maiden, and the cinematographer did some wonderful things with closeups of her beautiful facial expressions.The realism falls a little flat in certain areas, most noticeably in the few "night" shots that are much too plainly day shots with a blue filter (it's not even a terribly dark blue). Some other visual effects are also a little cartoonish.It's easy for a person like me to forgive those issues because I love watching a cryptic and unpredictable story unfold; and that, if anything, describes this movie. A dense myriad of clues are presented and it's not easy to figure out what might actually be going on. The point of the whole thing is spelled out in the end, sort of, but it's still not quite clear how it all fit together. This is one of those movies where you Google afterwards for possible explanations.If you like to be intrigued this is worth your time.