The Flipside of Dominick Hide
The Flipside of Dominick Hide
| 09 December 1980 (USA)
The Flipside of Dominick Hide Trailers

Dominick Hide, a time traveller from the year 2130, is studying the London transport system of 1980. Time travellers are supposed to be observers, and are strictly forbidden to land their flying saucers. One time traveller who broke this rule accidentally killed a dog, changing history and causing many future people to disappear. Inspired by his Great Aunt Mavis, Dominick decides to find his great great grandfather. He begins to land in 1980, where his strange clothes and speech make him seem an eccentric oddball. His quest brings him into contact with beautiful boutique owner Jane, and they fall in love. As Dominick's visits become more frequent and more prolonged, he increasingly risks his indiscretion being discovered by his boss, Caleb Line, and every moment he spends in the past increases the danger that he will catastrophically change the future

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
lesleymwilliams This (These) were brill. I remember taping (steampower) the second one before we went to my mother-in-laws!!!!!! Re-watching Spooks (another good series)reminded me of this/these.'are there somewhere islands....' Really ought to be repeated. They were a bit more than Sci Fi.I am going to try to track these down. One day I will go back to HEARNE Bay. Anyhow.....take my advice BOTH are well worth watching. Its even spookier now Hydes older!!!!! Again...not going to spoil the plot....but well worth watching. I also LOVED the song introducing the first one.
ColinBaker This was a delightful time travel play from 1980, beautifully played by the main actors, and including clever references, and even a sly note about attitudes to homosexuality.One person mentioned about making this a film with Jim Carrey. I think that would be a dreadful mistake. For one thing, Peter Firth's Dominick is a bit odd in 1980, rather than the madcap zany character in many of Carrey's roles. Secondly, the whole production is understated, the only music being Beatles music played by a futuristic hologrammatic trio, and an undistinguished theme song.Appropriately, this, together with its less successful follow up, Another Flip for Dominick, is definitely "of its time", and should be left alone, but the BBC should repeat both, and on a mainstream channel rather than BBC4, on which they were recently shown.
antog I've just watched this play, on DVD, for the first time in over twenty years. I enjoyed it the first time round but expected it to be dated and a bit staid after so many years had passed. But I could not have been more wrong, for sure it is of its time but it is still as touching, funny and compelling as it was then. Often Sci Fi is more a mirror of the time that it was made than a projection of the future, just look at the original Star Trek and you can see a future looking very nineteen sixties. However The Domanick Hide plays manage to depict a future which is more than just an extension of the Eighties. The exception being a computer keyboard that looked as though it was taken from a Comodore C84 or similar, hardly surprising given the limited budget of these plays. What is surprising is that, limited budget or not, when Domanick is in his own time you feel that he really is in the future. Sorry no car chases, aliens, ray guns or violence just a just a really good story with some good music and a few laughs thrown in. Definitely worth the cover price
Mark-115 A young man from the future arrives by flying saucer in 1980s London, and finds it an interesting experience. This is enjoyable and interesting drama, rather than mainstream science fiction.